This set of algorithm worksheets walks children through how to draw an astronaut. There are three different versions of the drawing worksheets in the set. First, you will find a worksheet that displays words and pictures. Second, you will find a worksheet that features just words describing each step. Finally, you will find a worksheet with a picture for each step in the drawing process. You can decide which of these worksheets is best for your children.
Reading About Astronauts
Before you have your children explore one of the How to Draw an Astronaut worksheet, you may want to read them a book about astronauts. It is fun to read a book about a subject or theme you are going to explore. It gives your children a chance to build background knowledge on that subject or theme. You will find some of my favorite books about astronauts below. There are both fiction and non-fiction books in this collection.
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Wait! What is an Algorithm?
A simple explanation is that an algorithm is the series of steps needed to complete a task. Computer programmers or coders create the series of commands needed for a computer to complete a task. Your children complete algorithms or a series of steps to complete tasks every day.
Example: Handwashing
- First, you turn on the water.
- Second, you wet your hands.
- Third, you rub soap on your hands.
- Fourth, you rinse off the soap.
- Fifth, dry off your hands
- Finally, turn off the water.
Getting Your How to Draw an Astronaut Worksheets
Here is the free set of Drawing an Astronaut with an Algorithm. Once you have downloaded the set, you can print out the worksheets you want your children to use.
Exploring the Drawing Worksheets
There are a number of ways you can explore the drawing worksheet. Here are some of the ways that I came up with:
First, you can walk your children step by step through the algorithm.
Second, you can have children work in pairs or small groups. This will allow your children to see how other children are interpreting each step.
Third, you can have your children complete the drawing page on their own.