These decorating umbrella color pages were created to expose young children to coding. Children are asked to color all the sections that display the same number the same color. One of the pages invites children to select the color they will use for each numbered section.
Getting the Decorating an Umbrella
This set is a PDF. When you download it, you will need to open it with a PDF reader. Acrobat Reader is a popular reader that you can download to use. You probably have it on your computer already.
After downloading the set, you can decide which of the pages will work best for your children. Some children will do well if you tell them just what color to use. Others will prefer to choose their colors. The page that lets you choose your own color area also allows you to use the colors your children may have on hand.
Exploring the Decorating an Umbrella Set
You will need to decide which page you want your children to work on. The first page tells children what color to use and has them draw their own raindrops. The second page displays raindrops to color as well as tells children what color to use. The last page tells children to add raindrops and add their own raindrops.
Next, you will need to decide if your children need to work through the page with you. If you think that they will need your help, you could work with them in groups or one on one.
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