This series focuses on preschool tracing activities. Although the series features the word preschool, any of the activities could be used by older children. Tracing is a great way for children of all ages to work on their fine motor skills. Holding a pencil or any other writing tool can be challenging. Focusing on the lines you are trying to stay on is also challenging.
Writing tools like pencils, crayons and markers designed for each of your children’s abilities are traditional tracing tools. Q-tips or paintbrushes dipped in watercolors and held like a writing tool would also work. A small object like a pumpkin seed held between chopsticks would also work.
Preschool Tracing Activities in This Series
There are 12 different animals featured on the Fine Motor Practice Animal Tracing Pages. This set will give children a lot of time to practice tracing. Young preschoolers may find it challenging to trace all the lines in one sitting. If you choose to use it with them, they could work on one section at a time.
Butterfly Letter Tracing Mats will be printed out on half sheets. Each page of the set displays two letter mats. This set of mats gives children the opportunity to work on uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and the features of a butterfly. Children could just work on the letters on this page if they like.
Star-Themed Alphabet Tracing Cards are available in three different layouts. The set includes uppercase and lowercase letter mats. There is also a layout that features uppercase and lowercase letters together. It will be up to you to decide which layouts to work with. While children can write the letter inside the outline, children could just trace the outline if they like.
Tracing the Lines on Thanksgiving Turkeys would be fun to do during November. Children can trace the lines on the turkey feathers and then color the turkeys.
These turkey line tracing pages invite children to lead a turkey across the lines and to the other side. This is probably the easiest tracing set in the series. It might be fun to trace the lines with a feather rather than a pencil.
More Tracing Activities
Letter and Number Literacy Webs