At playgroup a few weeks ago my friend Valerie shared all the ways she has tried to keep popsicles from dripping down her three daughters arms. I decided I would try them out on JDaniel and he was very willing to be a guinea pig in this experiment.
The first thing we tried was an old sock. I recently drove over this sock with the vacuum cleaner and that made it available for the experiment.
The sock worked really well. It absorbs the drips and keeps your hand clean.
Next, we tried a cupcake cup. Valerie suggested I silicon cup, but I don’t have any of those.
This worked well too. I think it worked because we weren’t outside in the heat. A melty popsicle would probably drip down the edges of the cups when it is tipped.
Next to last we tried a paper bowl.
This didn’t work well at all. We were outside and the liquid rolled out of the bowl when JDaniel tried to finish off the popsicle.
Finally, we tried the plastic wrapper the popsicle came in. We don’t have a picture of this. JDaniel didn’t like the way the wrapper felt in his hand. He asked for the sock and then ended up holding it one hand while the sock was on the other.
P.S. JDaniel calls them popsissles not popsicles.
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Funky Mama Bird says
I think we have a few socks I can sacrifice for this cause. =)
My little brother used to call popsicles “col-licka-licks” so now that’s what we all call them.
Tima says
Never thought of a sock. Thanks for the idea
Aging Mommy says
That’s a lot of popsicles sacrificed in the name of science 🙂 I am not sure I would ever have thought of a sock but that is a great idea!
April says
Great ideas!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Fun On a Dime Lady says
That’s great! My sister-in-law gave us these cups call drpstiks. The hold both icecream cones and popsicles and keep all the drip in the cup and hands cleaner. The best thing I like about them is that if your child drops it, it will roll and prevent the popsicle from touching the ground. I’ll have to try the sock thing with otter pops, though.
Crystal Escobar says
haha, that is adorable!!! I love that you tried all the different options 🙂 Way to be creative!
kyooty says
this problem teaches kids to eat them faster LOL
Vivianne's Vista says
I have yet to solve this problem. I use the plastic the popsicles come in. But like yours, my son doesn’t care for it and discards it soon after. I have seen these plastic popsicle holders with a straw to sip up the drips. I think to buy it but never do!
AMKreations says
Awe, that’s cute. I never thought of any of those. Great ideas.
Annonymous says
At our house we just send the kids outside with their popsicles and hose ’em off later. 🙂
blueviolet says
I love popsissles too! They really are messy, aren’t they? Even for adults!
ElizOF says
Oh, the memory of my kids eating popsicles … and worrying about the mess! I love popsicles too and the faster you eat them the better. The sock option is a good one. Visiting from SITS.
Kathleen says
I’ll be JDaniel loved testing out stuff with all those popsissles!
The Activity Mom says
What a fun experiment! =) He’s too cute!
I’ve been saving lids from kids cups at restaraunts for awhile with the intention of sliding the popsicle stick through the hole on the lid (where the straw goes), but I always forget about it when the excitement of a popsicle hits. =)
ps not my idea, I read it somewhere a long time ago.
Katie's Nesting Spot says
We have this neat popsicle holder that catches most of the drips. It was kinda expensive for what it is but I’ve decided totally worth it.