Once the snack was over we would help her gather up the glasses and bowls and take them to the kitchen. Then it was time for quick hugs and goodbyes before we headed back to our house.
I never remember being bored or feeling stifled by the Sunday we spent at her apartment. I do remember thinking that she expected our best manners and liked order. My other grandmother was the direct opposite, but she is another story for another day.
Funky Mama Bird says
Great post, it made me think back to visits with my nana. =)
Debbie says
Thank you for sharing your memories. Memories of Grandma always seem to be the best!
Muthering Heights says
My grandma always used to give us Lemon Cooler cookies too…they must be popular among grandmothers!!
Genevieve says
what a neat memory of a different era.
alicia says
This made me think of my own g-ma. She was an amazing cook and I haven’t thought of her in some time. Thanks.
classycareergirl says
Love the weekly theme! Makes me think about the fun I had over at grandma’s house 🙂 Thanks for the memories.
Tammy says
I have memories like that too!
Maggie B says
Your post brought back memories of the Sundays my sister and I spent with our Dad,stepmother & her parents. They were quite old fashioned, the afternoons were always boring, sounds like yours were a lot more interesting.
My name is PJ. says
We could all identify with this post, in one way or another: how we spent Sundays, what our grandmothers were like, etc.
mbkatc230 says
Loved this post! I too had grandmothers that were completely different from each other, except in their love for the grandkids 🙂 Kathy
CCW says
I love how she gave you your own “cocktail” — especially brings back memories of Shirley Temples, or getting to drink milk out of what we called “the fancy cups” just to make it special. No champagne has ever tasted as sweet. 🙂
Julie Schuler says
Oh no! That sounds terribly boring. I’m glad you didn’t think so, though.
kyooty says
manners matter. I say this a lot here.
Anna says
Great title: “Sitting up straight in the sofa”. I love this post. And I can’t wait to read about your other grandmother! Who needs fiction – just look at your relatives!
Suberb S-post!
Best wishes,
Anna’s S-words
lissa says
Gigi seems like a proper-lady and it’s always good to have manners so I think she is right about sitting up straight and having manners. and orange juice with coke? that’s an interesting mix
thank you for your visit.
Riet says
What a lovely S post. Yes that was good manners in those days, sitting straight on the sofa. Wonderful.
laterg8r says
so formal and you still enjoyed it 😀
Roger Owen Green says
HATED hearing “sit up straight”. Great post.
On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!
Mumsy says
I was taught to sit up straight too, but now my feet went first on the couch..I want to feel comfortable..
AMKreations says
Wow…that’s very interesting. I think we were always playing outdoors…so sitting on the furniture wasn’t so important. I think that sitting still is a good thing though…I’ve had to institute it a couple times with my very busy son! =)
Tina says
What a great little “slice of life” story. Nicely done!
Viki says
I never heard of orange juice and coke. I just might have to try that. I think probably a lot of people had opposite grandparents. I know I did LOL. Great S post. Enjoyed reading it.
liz says
Gigi would make chiropractors everywhere quite happy!
Jenny says
I love this line “who believed young ladies should sit straight and tall on the sofa.”
That just sounds like the start of a book to me.
She sounds rigid yet loving. It was good you knew what was expected of you so you didn’t disappoint your Dad or your Grandmother!
I would have always been in trouble there because I cannot sit still for anything!
Thanks for this charming post on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday’s Letter “S”.
It was quite special.
Cheryl says
Oh man, I just love me some Lemon Cooler cookies. A friend from Atlanta used to bring those and the Key Lime Coolers up when he visited. Now he’s in NM and salsa doesn’t travel as well.
Sunday’s with Gigi and dad sound like a little slice of heaven to me.
Brenda says
I can see you all lined up. My Grandmother in law was like that when my three girls were little. She even had the plastic cover on the couch because she had a little dog. My girls always looked pretty uncomfortable though I am glad you have fond memories. My parents were also divorced when I was young but when we visited my grandparents with my dad it was always a mad house. Aunts, Uncles and cousins wresting and playing one game or another.
Brimful Curiosities says
Sundays are a great day for a little family together time. What nice memories.
Jo says
Orange juice and coke? never tried it but it sounds interesting!
Pondside says
Lovely to have those memories of your Gigi. I don’t think it hurts at all to have to sit quietly, with straight back once in a while!
mrs. c says
We would go to my grandmother’s and watch Lawrence Welk and eat those butter cookies that have the whole in the middle….we would put them on our finger and eat all around and try to keep it on our finger. Isn’t it funny the things we rememeber about our childhood! Thank you for sharing about yours!
Terra says
this post touched my heart. I am in the middle of a divorce and my daughters are 9 and 4 and they are with their dad this weekend and …
Christy says
what a sweet memory.
Christy says
Both my grandmothers died when I was very young and I have only vague memories of one of them. I loved reading about your Gigi – too funny that she was drinking a rum and coke! LOL
Nadeen says
I’m a squirmy sitter. I’d be in trouble too. But I love what you got from that Sunday experience.
Do you sit up straight now?
Do you have rum-and-cokes now?