I abhor canned beets! I haven’t decided if it is their slimy texture or the flavor I just don’t like.
As the main shopper at my house, I can avoid buying them. They have only been in my shopping cart once ever. I was trying to get JDaniel to try new foods and tried some in his Muffin Tin Monday meal. He didn’t like them either.
My mom loves beets! When you go to her house for dinner, you will probably find beets on the table. She always seems surprised when none of us eat them. Maybe she makes them in the hopes there will be leftovers. Maybe she finishes off the bowl of beets with relish when we leave her house while sitting at the kitchen table or watching her favorite book talk on television.
Early in the spring I grabbed a bunch of seed packets at Walgreens when they had them on sale four packets for eighty cents. It really didn’t matter what seeds the packets held. I just wanted JDaniel to get the experience of planting seeds and watching them grow. With my lack of a green thumb I was sure some of them won’t grow.
Guess what!? Some are growing better than others, but they are all growing. The sunflower plants look a little sickly. The lone pumpkin plant has started to lose color. The zinnias actually look like they may be flowers. The beets look amazingly healthy.
Yes, I said beets. Who knew when I grabbed a bunch of seed packets that one of them would contain beets.
You knew didn’t you that as soon as I said I just grabbed a bunch of seed packets that beet seeds had to be in the mix.
Well, maybe fresh beets will taste better than canned ones, if they don’t we probably won’t be eating many of them. My mom will probably get most of them.
This post is a part of Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop!
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Exurban Cowgirl says
I agree about canned beets. But fresh beets are soooo good. You can roast them and put them in a salad with goat cheese…It’s like it’s not the same veggie..I also put a raw beet in the blender w/strawberry, banana and orange juice and make popsicles for my kids..they love them and the color is amazing!
Andrea says
Try letting your kids paint with the beet juice in the can. It’s so cool!
~Jada Roo Can Do
SHARM says
Hi I am visiting from SITS, I love this post and its amazing how your beets took over fromall the other seeds… I would love to see some pictures… I do have some seeds I think I should start planting them as well…
Lisa @ Two Bears Farm says
Trying roasting them. That is how I make them. 20 minutes at 400*. I toss them w/ olive oil, balsalmic vinegar, sea salt and pepper prior to roasting.
Diane says
I can relate! Canned beets have never made it into my house either. My mother has always loved canned beets and would often put them out on the table. And just like your mom, she’s the only one eating them!
Davene says
Oh my! I am not a beet fan either! It’s so funny that they’re growing so well for you, but I’ve gotta say, the ways of preparing them that the other commenters are sharing make them sound really good! 🙂
Davene Grace says
Oops…I was signed into the wrong account when I left that last comment! 🙂
Jessica says
I have never been able to eat those slimy nasty canned beets. Hope your fresh ones taste better.
Gattina says
I am not a fan of beets either, fresh or canned, they have a strange taste.
Jen says
Haha, I actually have never tried beets…I’m kind of a picky eater, but judging from your post, I wouldn’t like them either. 🙂
Personalized Sketches and Sentiments says
haha! I would not eat a canned beet either! Although…as a newlywed, visiting my in-laws for the first time…I did try some canned beets with mayonnaise! (Yes, that is one of the ways his family served the canned beets…I like mayo, so it wasnt too bad at all…) But I prefer fresh beets that are roasted or even pickled beets…if I had to eat them :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
just stopping back to thank you for visiting! Thank you for liking my stained glass…it was the 2nd stained glass that I had made. That is so neat that you have a friend moving to Ft Campbell… Does she blog?
heather@actingbalanced.com says
Here’s my favorite beet recipe… definitely better with fresh beets!
Personalized Sketches and Sentiments says
Oh goodness! I’m sorry but forgot to mention one more thing…I hope you don’t mind:
My friend, I meant to mention this before and also did not have it posted on my post until today…Just wanted to stop back and let you know of an online auction that I was honored to be asked to join. It is for a worthwhile cause-Relay for Life.
If you would like, please join Kelly at http://www.betweenthelines-kel.com/2011/05/relay-for-life-sponsor-personalized.html in supporting Relay For Life! Let’s help the world Celebrate More Birthdays! The Online Auction will run from May 20th – May 26th. All proceeds will go directly to the Relay For Life site and products will be shipped from our sponsors. I HOPE to see you there!
Blessings & Aloha!
Minivan Mama says
I love beets…and everyone else in my family abhors them. You can send them my way if you wanna!
Jen says
You’re doing better than I. My garden hasn’t even been planted yet. We’re having a cold spring in this part of Wisconsin.
I have a love hate relationship with beets. I only love them if they are pickled. Otherwise, yuck with a double uck.
Mimzy Wimzy says
I didn’t know anyone actually ATE beets! I thought they were just used to pickle eggs!! Love those purple eggs. Hate beets!
Cam says
i love beets! especially pickled beets in a salad! YUM! I blame my mom for that. 🙂
blueviolet says
I’d be fine with growing them, but not eating them! Fun little project you’re doing though. 🙂
Lisa says
I’d lump all things canned into your category along with the canned beets. That is why I have a large freezer. I can’t do canned peas, carrots, green beans, spinach, corn. It all tastes like a mouthful of braces to me.
Elena says
I’m interested to see what you think of fresh beets. I’m a huge fan of canned beets. Huge!
Shell says
I’m not a fan of beets. My mom used the beet juice to color the icing on my cakes pink when I was a little girl. YUCK.
But, I did have an AMAZING beet salad at this one restaurant near me.
middleagedandoverqualified says
I used to love beets but I ate too many while I was pregnant and now I can’t stand them!
Alicia says
Oh my gosh..I used to not like canned beets either until I met my husbands family years and years ago! They would always have beets in their salads, and then I finally tried them. You’re right..hardly any flavor! But, for some reason, I love them!
I'm Jennifer. says
I’ve never gone near a can of beets. The color, the consistency…no thank you. I think I would give roasted, fresh beets a try though. Tossed in a salad or something. You KNOW those beet seeds of yours are going to thrive and you’ll have bushels o beets this summer!
Stef says
Yes, I am not a beet person. But I am with you how exciting it is to see something that you planted actually grow. We did bulbs last year and they were amazing. And they are here again…and multiplied. It’s awesome.
Sinea says
I seldom even think of beets. My dad loves them, though. He eats them with a drop of vinegar and salt.
Keshyra says
Roasted fresh beets are so much better, don’t give up on beets until you try the better healthier version. I had the best beet salad the other day, at a restaurant, it was so delicious.
Gem says
I don’t like beets at all…when I was little I thought it was jello and ever since I’ve been scarred. LOL!
Kim at Let Me Start By Saying says
I would rather carry fistfulls of slimy slugs around town than touch a single beet for a single second with a single finger.
But I made it through your entire post, top to bottom, despite the many, many times you said the “b” word.
But I find it too perfect that you ended up growing them! Now you need to tell us what happens…
Came from TRDC.
Kelly says
I am not a fan of beets either….and my Mom loves them. Fresh beets definitely taste better than canned though!
Margaret Almon says
I love fresh beets roasted in the oven and topped with goat cheese, but unfortunately beets are not that fond of me. . .
Melissa says
You have a lovely blog. As a fellow beet-hater, I really liked your post. I’m a new follower who found on TRDC today. Have a great weekend!
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