Welcome to Read. Explore. Learn! This meme was designed to be a place for you to share the learning opportunities, crafts, field trips, and other activities you have done this week that tie-in to children’s books. I look forward to seeing what you have done.
- Link your activity below.
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My Book Tie-In of the Week
We read Chief Rhino to the Rescue by Sam Lloyd. Chief Rhino thinks he sees a fire in the window of a nearby apartment building. He mobilizes the fire crew only to find out that Great-Granny Wrinkle is having a 100th birthday party with a cake full of candles.
We also read Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill by Jamie Harper. Miss Mingo’s class is afraid of fire and each animal student reacts differently to just the discussion of fire. The proboscis monkey honks loudly and his nose grows big. The elephant stomps his foot and trumpets his nose. Finally, Miss Mingo and a visiting fireman teach the class about fire safety and getting ready for a fire drill.
Cooking Project
JDaniel helped me put together this graham cracker fire truck. I put on the icing and he helped with the wheels and windows. The icing got all over everything.
Field Trip
The storytime JDaniel attends focused on fire trucks and firemen this week. The librarian read Meeow and the Big Box by Sebastien Braun. She walked the children through the steps Meeow used to create a fire truck with a cardboard box.
First, he painted one side of the box red. Then he cut a hole in the box. Finally he added wheels, a ladder, and lights. We also got to see a fireman in all his fire gear and climb on his truck.
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sbswtp says
I love the the fire engine with cat in it…so cute! 🙂 What great post!
Melanie says
My son just went on a field trip TODAY to the fire station! 🙂 He was going around our house, checking for smoke detectors.
Have a great week!
Muthering Heights says
What a CUTE theme for the week!
CM says
Thanks for sharing the books. I know both my boys would love them. I’m writing down the titles to see if I can find them.
The firetruck with the kitty is adorable!
Ticia says
That looks cute, I love the box you made.
Have you read Firefighter Ted? It’s so cute and would go perfect with this theme.
RedTedArt says
Oh! Lots of fire people in your house at the moment!! I love your fire engine! Fabulous! Great activity for big boxes! We may just have to have a go the next time we get a big box! Red Ted would love it so much!
Red Ted Art
Dorie says
What great extension activities! It looks like a fun learning experience.
varunner says
You just can’t go wrong with firetrucks and little boys 🙂
Sarah says
We are doing Fire Week at preschool this week and have a dalmation cut out that the kids are going to dot with their fingerprints. love the fire truck!
seeker says
I love your idea of tying a book to other experiences and projects! I did this when I was homeschooling — for instance, when my daughter wanted to learn about how maple syrup was made (after reading a book about a family who went out to “mapling” in their woods), we went to a farm to see it happening, went to a demonstration of the process of cooking the sap into syrup at a County Extension event, used math to figure out things like how much sap makes how much syrup, (with ratios, cooking temps, time, etc.), made some maple syrup cookies, did some research into the history of maple syrup-making, and did an art project with the photos we took during the project. I think kids learn so much more with this kind of integrated approach! Beats “math class”, “English class” “history class” etc!
laughwithusblog says
I love the creativity! Stopping by from Mom Loop! 🙂
Erika says
I’m a new follower from Monday’s Cornucopia Blog hop! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!
L. Eleana Johnson says
My daughter loves reading. Although she isn’t reading by herself yet, I’m noticing that she’s reading along with me and she actually knows certain words which kinda shocked me. I’m impressed! I love the graham cracker fire truck! My daughter’s preschool had fire safety a couple of weeks ago, and they made fire badges and toured a fire truck. The fireman also brought along another truck decorated especially for the children (it was really cute).
blueviolet says
I love how you tied so many different things into the theme!
GardenofDaisies says
What a fun theme to teach! I love the food activity. 🙂
Just Another Mom of 2 says
This is so fun! I love the whole concept of this, and the fireman theme is so much fun. I think I am going to help my two make those boxes, that is so cute! Thank you for sharing.
Debbie says
You are so fun and creative! I love this.
Genie says
Your firetruck/fireman posts this week have been precious. I wish I were a little boy playing with you in your living room. I have always had a big imagination, and I love the little toys. I am a still a child at heart. Thanks for your visit to my ButtonsforBaga. I appreciate your kind words.
kewkew says
The books look like fun, but not as much fun as the big box fire engine. Looks like something we can do when we get to F. I definitely love the snack.
Michelle says
The fire truck and kitten are adorable! Love how brightly painted and inviting it is ~ I can imagine he had fun with it.
Thank you for inviting me to link up to Read.Explore.Learn! I’ll add it to my list of Delightful Links. *Ü*
Jackie H. says
We went to our museum of transportation yesterday. I’ll have to check out this book and the activities. We’re now into all things transportation!!
~ Noelle says
what fun!!!!
Kelly Polizzi says
oh my goodness! that fire truck is too cute!
Kristy says
What a great resource for teachers, daycare providers, and moms! Happy SITS Sharefest!
Jen says
Cute Little Books and cooking projects. I will have to look into them for work 🙂
Jennifer Fischer says
We have been having fire truck fun too. I will be sharing this post at the Kids Co-Op this week for my featured post. Here is our fire truck fun. http://jennifischer.blogspot.com/2012/10/ten-for-tuesday-crafts-activities-books.html