This week we read a wonderful Christmas story called A Christmas Spider’s Miracle. A very poor mom has very little to give her children for Christmas. She heads into the woods near by to find a tree. Her children deserve to at least have a tree. There will not be ornaments this year, but they can have tree. A very poor mother spider has very little to give her baby spiders. They are so cold out in the snow and there isn’t much too eat.
When the mom brings home a Christmas tree for her children, she doesn’t realize she is giving another family warmth. When the spider realizes what her children have been given, she decides to give the human family ornaments for their tree.
What did we do to explore A Christmas Spider’s Miracle?
JDaniel and I worked on ornaments that he could weave for the tree like the spider did in the book A Christmas Spider’s Miracle. I traced Christmas themed shapes onto cardboard from an empty cereal box. JDaniel and I then punched holes in the shapes.
Yarn was woven in and out of the holes to create a web like effect. I think they turned out well. Yes, I worked on the tree in the bottom left hand corner.
Here are some wonderful posts that were linked up last week:
Brainstorm in Bloom shared the wonderful ways they explored the Magic Tree House book Dinosaurs Before Dark.
Stay at Home Educator shared a wonderful space unit. I love all the activities she shared.
If you like this A Christmas Spider’s Miracle activity, here are some more spider themed activities you will enjoy doing with your kids:
Halloween Craft- Button Spider
There are even more crafts and learning activities on my Early Learning board on Pinterest.
How have your been exploring books this week?
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Shaunna @ Fantastic Fun and Learning says
I love to see what books you are reading. You always share some great ones that I haven’t seen before! And I’ve read a lot of children’s books after 8 years of teaching 🙂
Lisa @ Two Bears Farm says
What fun activities! Maybe I’ll get our lacing cards out today. We had planned a fun day trip, but Reid caught a stomach bug last night, so we’re stuck at home today. Right now they’re coloring some black velvet posters.
The Empress says
Oh lacings!
How my children loved lacings. The best part of this activity was the conversation it inspired. Quietly sitting in a corner of the classroom, me undoing, them doing back up,and how we’d spend a sweet hour, talking.
Occupied hands seemed to loose up the mouths of my boys.
Mama to 4 says
love how you made your own lace cut outs! What a great idea!
My Daughter absolutely loves to weave things like that! she’d definitely be into doing ornaments like that. So Cool!
Kim Croisant says
I like books that you can read, explore and learn. That’s just a win win for me.
MikiHope says
What a wonderful way to teach your children that no matter how little you have-others might have less and to give with your heart what you can. Those ornaments are precious!!
~ Noelle says
that sounds like a great book… and a great way to share that what you do does help other people, even if you don’t realize it
amy2blessings says
Looks like you had alot of fun:)
doseofreality says
These are SO adorable. My son used to love doing lacing type projects when he was younger. It sounds like a lovely book, too!
Melissa Pezza says
That is such wonderful way to teach the kids. They look like they had so much fun!!!
Jennifer Fischer says
We really need to do some lacing – thanks for sharing.
Raising a Happy Child says
Great activity for this story – it looks like you are enjoying your Christmas season a lot this year!
Jenny K says
I love how you extended this book! Those ornaments turned out great!
thefairyandthefrog says
Sounds like a really lovely book and a great reminder that we often don’t know the impact of our actions on others.
Isil Simsek says
My son is obsessed with spiders,he would love this book.