I found a great article called 10 Parenting Tips To Help Teach Your Child To Share located on the More 4 Kids website. Here are there tips:
•Tell your toddler that not sharing may mean his friends will not want to share with him either.
•If your toddler doesn’t want to share, explain why it’s important to share.
•Take the toys in question away; if your toddler doesn’t want to share – then no one will play with the toys.
•Never yell at the toddler, but be firm in your reprimands. Yelling rarely gets you anywhere and does not set a good example.
•If your toddler screams and carries on; give the toddler a timeout, or what I like to do is a time in and sit down with your child, talk to him or her and make sure there is not really some other issue that is causing the problem.
•Thank your child for sharing his toys with others.
•Teach your toddler to think of others and how happy it makes them when they share their toys.
•If other toddlers are invited over, ask your toddler to pick out some toys to put away. But also remind him the toys left out can be shared with everyone.
•Teach by example; show your child how you are willing to share something you own.
•Finally, start very young. When my youngest was just a few months old and could sit up we would start playing a game. I would give him a toy and whenever he gave it back I would smile profusely, say ‘thank you’ and give it back to him. Now when we are playing together he routinely shares his toys with me and his big brother.
These tips are just guidelines. I found them very helpful read over and think about how I am teaching JDaniel to share.