The first words JDaniel says each morning when I go to get him out of his crib tell me a lot about what he was thinking about right before he went to sleep or when he first woke up. They are usually very interesting.
Here are some examples:
I went to volunteer at a consignment sale last week and my husband put JDaniel to bed.
JDaniel: “Daddy put on jamas. You went in car.”
JDaniel: “Daddy put on jamas. You went in car.”
We got home after 15 hours on the road to get home from Virginia. (See Adventure to Driving to NY and Back for the details.) I put JDaniel to bed in his clothes rather than trying to change him since he had fallen asleep in the car and it was 11:30 p.m.
JDaniel: “I in clothes. This is silly.”
JDaniel: “I in clothes. This is silly.”
JDaniel had cried a little the previous morning and laid down to start to go back to sleep. When I walked in his room, he jumped up. Before I put him to bed I said, “It is okay to go to back to sleep. You don’t have to cry for Mom when you first wake up.”
JDaniel: “I wait for you mom. I not cry.” (He said from where he was laying down.)
JDaniel: “I wait for you mom. I not cry.” (He said from where he was laying down.)
One morning he must have been hungry when he woke up. He wanted me to rush through morning prayers and head downstairs.
JDaniel: “Hurry,pray! It breakfast time.”
JDaniel: “Hurry,pray! It breakfast time.”
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blueviolet says
He is so cute with the things he’s been saying. I love how he says he’ll be patient when waiting for you upon waking. 🙂
crisc23 says
Awww Im so glad someone else knows what I’m goin thru right now..I feel like no one see’s the joy of my toddler speaking in sentences so cute, made my bad day a little better =)
Jacque says
This is such an awesome post. I love how you took the time to document these precious moments. 🙂 He’s just too sweet! 🙂
Mrs Gloves says
Don’t you just love what they come up with! I could do a similar post.
…stopping by from SITS…
Susie says
That is soooooo sweet:-)
Montessori For Learning says
How sweet! It really makes your heart melt to hear a toddler’s sweet little voice.
coolkids says
aww. I love things kids say. My daughter has had some doozies lately!
Six Feet Under Blog says
Don’t you just love when toddlers start to talk? lol
Funky Mama Bird says
Those are just unbearably cute!
AMKreations says
Awe…I think my favorite is “Hurry, Pray!” Sometimes my children are digging in and I have to ask them if they’ve given thanks for what they’re eating…ooops. =) They somehow forget when their tummies are hungry. =)
Michelle says
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your little guy says the cutest things!
Six Feet Under Blog says
Stopping by again to say thanks for the nice comments about my post today-Ill look to see if it makes it to your great posts. 🙂
Together We Save says
Oh… so sweet!! How awesome you pray with him every morning!
Angie says
Awe, I love the things that little kids say…. so honest and true!
Thanks for stopping by my site!
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Lynn says
That is so cute. I especially love “I in clothes. This is silly.” My son is just starting to talk but this sounds like something he would say!
Cher says
Adorable! My sons don’t talk yet but I am sure they will have some funny sentences when they do!
kyooty says
Oh he’s adorable. Out of the mouths of babes. 🙂
Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti says
This is so adorable! It’s wonderful you do morning devotions with your son!
jennohara says
Love it! I love documenting all the cute/funny things that my daughter comes up with.
I hope you dont mind if I follow 🙂
~ Noelle says
he is so cute
i love all the things he says!
Leslie: says
So cute – he sounds like a love bunny! 😀
Roger Owen Green says
children’s minds are more complex than we thought. ROG, ABC Wednesday team