My little Indiana Jones loves to pick up acorns and other small objects while scavenging around the backyard and place them in the pockets of his pants. He has only just discovered that his pants have pockets so, he feels the need to keep them filled.
Thankfully some of his treasures fall out of his pocket during the day. I find them under his chair at the dinner table, beside his car seat, in his bed, and almost anywhere else he spends time during the day.
Some of the remaining acorns and bits nature end up at the bottom of his hamper. He needs to have his clothes washed every few days due mostly to spillage that takes place at mealtimes. I guess I need to be thankful for the yogurt smudges and cottage cheese splotches. If they weren’t there, some of the bits of nature might start to decay if left too long at the bottom of the hamper. Due to his talent for creating modern art displays on his clothes, they don’t get much time to do so.
A few are found when I check his pockets before placing his pants in the washer. I have to confess that I am not the most thorough of pocket checkers. I am often distracted when I am putting things into the washer. There are many things that can cause me to be distracted. JDaniel is always up to something. I am usually trying to figure out what we will be having for dinner at the last minute. I could go on and on with things that cause small acorns tucked at the base of JDaniel’s pockets to go unnoticed.
So, if you happen to know any hungry squirrels that are looking for really clean acorns, please let me know. I have a small number of them that seem to come out of the washer each week.
Does this happen to you?
paige says
Yes. And I don’t have any toddlers.
cooperl788 says
Yes, though it’s mostly rocks and bits of broken leaves that she tries to shove in her pocket. It doesn’t matter how often I check her pockets, I always end up with pristine rocks at the end!
Lindsay says
hehe yes this sooo happens at our house too 😛
varunner says
It’s funny – so far Pierce has not been very big into using his pockets. Huh. hope he doesn’t start 😉
Ticia says
all the time.
Kayte says
My kids are bringing little acorns in all the time. Except instead of finding them in my washer, I’m stepping on them.
kyooty says
yes! this happens here but it’s crayons, hotwheels and rocks 🙂
Tricia at Mom is the Only Girl says
Isn’t it reassuring that this happens to (probably) everyone else, too!
Jennifer says
We get pecans!! I tend to leave $$ in my pockets though, so I think they get it from me 🙁
Jenn at Sweet T Makes Three says
Maybe I can use your clean acorns to lure some squirrels to our yard. We just have evergreens so no fluffy-tailed rodents for us!
Liz says
i suppose it’s better than crayons in the dryer??
Tiggeriffic says
Was at my son’s house in Illinois for the week-end and he has 3 children. I’m not used to checking pockets anymore because it’s just Dave and I.. I found rocks, pocket combs, money and yes, one lonely acorn… I wondered what was in there clunking around and around… I thought it was just the metal snaps on their pants..
ta ta for now from
Lourie says
No, but I did wash a flash drive that was in my HUSBANDS pocket! I guess some boys never learn. Or maybe it is me who doesn’t!
PS One time my mom dried a purple crayon with white clothes. Yeah she was mad. And this was before Shout and all those fancy stain removers. She worked for a very long time with HAIRSPRAY and a tooothbrush. She got it all out!
Holly says
Lovely post! These are the things that you will remember and cherish as your son grows older. My daughter has yet to discover her pockets. Oh the joy!
PS I’m your newest follower. I’d love for you to stop by!
Cascia says
That is funny! Sometimes toddlers have little quirks like that. My little one (15 mos) likes to pull things out of the kitchen cabinets and hide them in various places. But I haven’t found acorns in his pockets. That is a new one!
~ Noelle says
lol, love this!
broxton “finds” and then “brings” things to us all the time! 🙂