I have been tagged by Noelle from Jumpin Bean. She is a great blogging buddy and friend. I have answered the questions below and have tagged a few bloggers at the end of this post who will hopefully continue the game.
- When do you usually know and feel that it’s finally the holidays? We wait a long time to put up our Christmas decorations. When the lights are up outside and the tree is up inside, it finally feels like Christmas.
What do you want for Christmas this year? I would love a new cell phone and a computer monitor. I believe Santa is bringing a cell phone.
Do you go all out with decorations? We put up several crèches and a tree in the living room. The kitchen has an advent calendar and Christmas Countdown chart. We don’t go all out. I am not sure where we would store a lot of Christmas decorations during the rest of the year.
What are you doing Christmas Eve? We will be having a simple dinner and opening one gift. It will be just the three of us.
What are you doing Christmas Day? I have my mom coming for a Christmas lunch and my father will arrive from Virginia around dinnertime. I will be serving my dad a Christmas dinner. I can also see playing with new construction equipment a lot on Christmas Day.
It’s Christmas time. What are you reading? We are reading a lot of children’s books about Christmas and I am reading a non-Christmas related Nora Roberts’ book.
Favorite movie to watch during the holidays? I love It’s a Wonderful Life. I love the part when Clarence arrives on the scene.
Favorite Christmas song? I love Mary, Did You Know? It has wonderful words and the music puts me in the right frame of mind for Christmas.
Favorite holiday drink? I love hot cider with caramel. It has a great mixture of spicy and sweet.
How is your Christmas shopping going? I need to get stocking stuffers. The big presents have been purchased and need to be wrapped.
If you could spend Christmas Day anywhere else, where would you spend it? I love being home for Christmas. Traveling over the holidays is lots of fun, but I love being home Christmas Day.
Any holiday traditions? We are waiting until Christmas Day for Jesus to be placed in the crèche. We have shepherds that have been circling around the house waiting for Jesus’ birth. They will arrive on Saturday. We are having a birthday cake for Jesus on Saturday too.
Favorite thing about the holidays? I love getting cards from family and friends. I get to see what they are up to and how their children have changed and grown up in a year.
I am tagging the following bloggers:
Two Bears Farm and the Three Cubs
(Visited 61 times, 1 visits today)
varunner says
Thanks for the tag! I’ll try to continue the game. I think a lot of my answers will be similar to yours. Hot cider with caramel sounds so good!
Lindsay says
oo very fun Christmas meme!! Loved reading all of your responses. I was trying to figure out why you were going to be playing with new construction equipment on Christmas Day.. then I figured out whos present that would be 😉
Sippy Cup Mom says
Thanks for the tag, this will be fun!
I love the song Mary, Did You Know, always brings tears to my eyes!
Tiggeriffic says
Thanks for the tag.. I will try and get it moving.
I just love Christmas…
ta ta for now from Iowa
Alexis AKA MOM says
What a fun tag! I love these and Christmas!
~ Noelle says
thanks so much for playing along!!!!
jdaniel is going to have so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Mozer says
My post will go up tomorrow 🙂
Muthering Heights says
I love “Mary Did You Know?” too!
SnoopyGirl says
What a fun game! Who starts the questions? I saw something similar on another blog one day but I can’t remember who it was. LOL! Merry Christmas! It was fun to hear all about your traditions. Happy Building! 🙂