Here are the ten math kids activities that I came up with:
- Blow a cupcake liner down the number line with a straw and count as it lands on each number.
- Blow a cupcake liner as hard as you can down the number line and shout out the number it lands on.
- Drop a cupcake liner from the stairs above and tell the number it falls on.
- Toss a beanbag down the number line and whisper the number it lands on.
- Toss a bean bag over your shoulder and see what number it lands on.
- Hop down the number line and say each number as you land on it.
- Trace the inside of the numbers with highlighter to work on number formation.
- Roll a toy car in each number and count up to that number. ( This won’t work for zero.)
- Work on the concept of length. Lay objects over the numbers starting at one and see how long it is.
- Pick a number and fill it with objects. Count how many objects will fill that number up.
- Practice skip counting by jumping for a number.
Let’s Create a Graph on the Floor and Gather Data
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Lisa @ Two Bears Farm says
What a great way to make numbers fun. We might skip a pebble down and whatever number it hits you eat that many grapes or do that many jumping Jack’s.
The Dose of Reality says
Great ideas! We have the same kind of hallway, so I could totally do this one!-Ashley
Rebekah P says
I love this idea! Math has been a harder concept for my younger children to grasp so this would be perfect for my active kiddos. I would probably have the kids take turns closing their eyes while another threw a pillow over the numbers. The others would open their eyes and guess which number was covered by the pillow.
Sue says
You are surely creative in your teaching. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Yours is a lucky boy.
OneMommy says
How about making a lunch plate with food items that represent each of the numbers and then having a picnic in the hall? He can look at his plate and tell you which food item is for each number. (ie. cut the sandwich into 4 pieces — and it represents the number 4.)
JDaniel4's Mom says
I love that idea!
Alice Emma Thompson says
Fab ideas. Could also try and hit the number for your age with the bean bag. Or could rearrange for a version of twister with a dice. Alice @ Mums Make Lists x
~ Noelle says
what a bunch of fun games 🙂