This next exploration was fine for our house, but won’t work in a classroom. JDaniel put the tube of the baster in his mouth and blew through it. He was able to create tiny bubbles in the bulb.
When you fill the bulb with water and then squeeze, water will squirt wildly out of it. We found that pressing on the bulb with your thumbs causes the water to fire out the fastest. I also learned to stand back a little.
You will find more science experiments for your science kids on my Early Learning- Science board on Pinterest. If you are looking for another Thanksgiving science activity, I think you will like our Thanksgiving Science Sink or Float activity.
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Natalie AfterschoolForSmartyPants says
I love self-directed experiments, it’s interesting to observe what fascinates our children and how they approach their self-discovery.
Tamara Camera says
Especially this time of year, I remember how much fun I had with turkey basters as a kid! As I got older, my mom would give me more real basting opportunities when making the Thanksgiving turkey, but she’d also let me play with water at other times.
Lisa @ Two Bears Farm says
That is fun. We don’t have a turkey baster. My parents always make the tyrkey.
Emma @ P is for Preschooler says
I love all his ideas! It’s so fun to watch where their ideas will lead!
Trisha @ Inspiration Laboratories says
Awesome job following his lead! I see a blog in his future. 🙂
Mia says
What a fun way to get more use out of the turkey baster! We also like using colored vinegar and baking soda and squirting it onto the baking soda. Fizzy fun!! Mia of PragmaticMom
Sue says
I used to find my mom’s turkey baster fascinating. I loved to mess around with it.
Ashley says
What a simple way to play with water and learn a little bit of science!
Susen @ Dabbling Momma says
what great fun it looks like your son had and some learning going on too…win, win!
Deirdre says
I totally agree!