Putting the penguin together was all JDaniel. He carefully placed the penguin’s various parts just where he wanted them to be. (I love that the penguin’s beak is stuck under his eyes.) JDaniel just grabbed torn pieces and glued them in place. He sometimes lays out all the craft element and then glues them down. The grab and glue method gave his penguin a more random and fun look.

I really like the look torn paper gives a craft. It makes the craft for kids look feathery and furry. It might we fun to try to make another polar animal like a polar bear or seal with torn paper.
Here are some other animal crafts for kids:
Deirdre Smith writes/owns JDaniel4’s Mom. After twenty years as a elementary school and technology resource teacher in Northern Virginia, she became a stay at home mom in upstate South Carolina. Her blog features ways she and her 5 year old are exploring learning, crafting, creating healthy meals and living life to its fullest. Deirdre can also be found on her blog’s FB page. You can also check her out on Google+.

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My mom loves doing art projects with torn paper with her students. They create masterpieces!! And we are particularly into penguins after seeing them at the aquarium.
Our preschool class will be studying P is for Penguin next week! This will be a fun project for them. Pinned it 🙂
Aw! This is so cute!! I think I like it way more as a torn paper project than I would if scissors were used. It just makes the penguins look so charming!! (and I bet the feet WERE hard!) –Lisa
What a cute penguin!