JDaniel is moving so he has told me to an apartment. A few weeks ago he went to see the apartment his Nana is moving to. She has been living in a cottage in a retirement community and has decided to move into one of the community’s apartments since my father in-law passed away. JDaniel must have loved her apartment. (It is awesome!)
On the ride back to our house JDaniel announced he was moving. When I asked him where he was moving, he told me to an apartment with Joe. Joe is one of JDaniel closest friends. He is also two and probably not ready to move out on his own. Well, I said to him, “I think you will have to wait until you go to college.” I don’t think he has any idea what college is and that he won’t start college for fifteen years. He does know he really wants to live in an apartment. He also knows what he wants to take with him. I have found him piling the things he needs to pack for his move.
Today he announced his friend Jake is going to move in with him and Joe. Jake he told me is going to do the cooking. “What will you and Joe be doing?” I asked. “We will play,” he announced. Thank goodness Jake is moving in with them. Jake’s mom is an amazing cook. If Jake can cook like his mom, JDaniel and Joe won’t resort to eating a lot of fast food and instant mac and cheese.
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citymouse says
Stopping by from SITS…
Too cute. One of my boys always said he wanted to live in one of those silver travel travelers when he was little (along with a best friend or two). He’s almost 15 now… I wonder if he even remembers that?
Acting Balanced Mom says
too fun! I’d totally take pictures for when he’s ready to move out for college!
crisc23 says
LOL kids are silly =)
The Wohlleb Family says
and maybe they will have you over for dinner
Jacque says
Oh my goodness – too funny! I am laughing so hard right now! Kids really do say the darn-dest things! At least if he keeps this desire to move out – he shouldn’t be living with you until he’s 30! I suppose that could be a positive – right?
Lizzie says
How precious. I love their simplicity at that age.
~ Noelle says
okay, that was just too cute.
i can not wait until broxton starts with cute things like this!
LindaFaye says
Kids are so funny! I love it when my kids make up their minds about life decisions and talk like small adults. Fun times!
Tiffany Harkleroad says
how cute!
blueviolet says
Now that is just too cute,especially that he has begun to pack!
JamericanSpice says
That is just too funy! It’s good he choose a friend that cooks well And playing is always good
stacey says
Stopping by from Moms Loop. What a cute story…sounds like it will be a great bachelor pad:)
Kristie says
That is too cute! I wish *I* could play all day with no worries, ha. Stopping by from Mom Loop. Have a great day!
Combatbootmom says
And so it begins. Grace has started saying, “don’t worry Mom, I will still come and visit you”.
Ana Patricia says
That is sooo cute!!
Inflatable slide for sale says
kids do say the darnedest things sometimes i miss the way things were so simple! why not build him a tree house?
Jackie H. says
Hilarious! My nephew is obsessed with apartment living as well. After his first day of kindergarten, he told his mom, “Now I go to college, right?” I think he was ready to pack up and move out!
Stephanie @ Our Marriage Adventure says
Happy SITS day, and I must say too funny. Evidently I moved out /ran away when I was 6 and didn’t come home (from our front yard) till about 10 p.m. When I was hungry.
First born children, what can I say. We’re independent.