I have just come to the end of my freshman year of blogging. Much like my freshman year in I learned a lot. There were ups, downs, missteps, and glorious moments. I would like to share with you some of the things I learned this year. They may be things you learned, don’t care about, or are learning along with me.
I started out with a routine of the types of posts I would write each day of the week. That hasn’t changed much. I like the structure of my blog.
Hosting giveaways is a ton of fun and a lot of work. I started them to draw attention to my blog. Posting them many places each week takes at a lot of time. I didn’t intend and still don’t intend to be a giveaway blog per se. I totally admire the blogs that can do it. The number of giveaways and reviews is going to go down a bit. My plan is to add one or two a week.
Finding a niche of friends to visit, comment on, and get to know is really important. I have joined several blogging groups (Mom Blogger’s Club and Secret to Success is Support) and participate in Mom Loop on BlogFrog as one of five moderators.
Memes can be a great way to find new blogs to read, meet friends, and share with others that have similar interests. I am a part of several memes ( Muffin Tin Monday, Mrs. Matlock’s Alphabe, Wordless Wednesday, and stART) I don’t do all these memes every week. In the future, I think I will be cutting back to Muffin Tin Monday and Mrs. Matlock’s Alphabe. Not just because they comment back and they do with a vengeance. All the memes have people that comment back. I have just found a niche in these two memes.
I have read a million times that it is not about the number of followers, subscribers, or comments. It should be about writing great posts and building friendships. The truth is I can get a thrill out of the numbers. I can also be touched by one comment or e-mail about a post that can be just as thrilling. I am going to continue to comment on tons and be better about enjoying the blogging experience.
You don’t have to have exact goals or fit into a certain blogging mold. Some blogs do and have great success. I have an eclectic mommy blog that is growing and changing as I grow and change. I guess I am like a rising sophomore without a major.
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varunner says
Congrats on passing your freshman year (with flying colors!)
I feel the same way about MTM 🙂
My 5 Monkeys(Julie) says
congrats and good list
The Activity Mom says
Congrats on 1 year under your belt! Great list!
Jacque says
This was very helpful info. Thanks for sharing! And best of luck heading into your next year. You’ll do great – I always love reading your blog and definitely love when you comment on mine! 🙂
Have a great day!
Steph says
Thanks for sharing your freshman year’s experience. I think it’s ok to not have a major right away, because you can get stuck in a path that you don’t like. Just keep doing what you love, and if you find a path you like then go! Congrats on finishing your first year!
April says
Congratulations on your first year. I’m about to finish my first year of blogging as well, but I have nowhere near as many followers as you. I think I have about…29 or so lol. So I can see why you get thrilled about the numbers. Congrats again and I can’t wait to see the year ahead!
Cheryl says
Funny, I’m getting close to my 1 year point too. Being completely niche-less was a curse in the beginning and I worried about no one reading my posts. I’ve grown up a lot over the past year. The numbers don’t matter as much as the interaction does.
Congratulations on making it through a full year with your head screwed on tightly. Looks like the shifts you’re making will free up some of your time.
Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti says
Nice post, and congrats on one year blog anniversary! I am going to pass on your blog link and the ones you mentioned to my daughter-in-law who is a new blogger.
I’ve been blogging for a few years and my blog has brought me many nice friendships and unexpected opportunities, but I don’t seek out lots of followers or try to compete. I like to keep it a fun thing to do. It’s more of a way to encourage myself to learn more about the places I visit and to seek out new adventures.
Michelle @ Flying Giggles says
Congratulations! You are doing a fabulous job with your blog. I also feel it is important to make relationships with the readers, that is better than numbers.
JamericanSpice says
Yay for you and thanks for sharing. I definitely agree with #6.
I just want to enjoy the blog community like I have been doing at my own pace.
Fresh Mommy says
What a great first year!!! It looks like you’ve learned so much… and have taught me with this post as well! 🙂
Keep up the great work!
Shonda says
You have done an amazing job with your first year of blogging. I think I need to take some tips from you!
Angela says
Great thought and advice. I will keep them in mind as I start off with my own blog. BTW, came here through the Mommy Loop comment follow.
Kristen says
You have done marvelously for just one year of blogging. The mommy blog niche is huge and you have definitely made your mark.
~ Noelle says
that was a great list! i really look forward to all of your blogs as great things for broxton and i to do!