Birth to 2- years old
Have your child hold the book.
Point to words in books with few words
Have them track the words on the page while holding their finger. Go from left to right.
Read aloud labels, signs, menu, etc..
2 to 5- years old
Point to some of the words as you say them
Have your child turn the pages
Have your child walk you through the story and tell it to you
Hold the book upside down and see what they do
I don’t have a lot to add to these ideas. They are all basic skills needed to interact with a book and the written word in the world around them. They just need to be practiced over and over again. I don’t mean until your child is bored with them. I do mean until they seem to own them.
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Queenie Jeannie says
I’m a HUGE fan of Leap Frog’s Tag books! Bella now only uses the tag if she doesn’t know a word (not often now!), or to play the games so she can get the rewards. She just went to the library here last week and got to pick out three books. She loved it!!
blueviolet says
The BOB books were so terrific for us. There aren’t that many words on the pages and so the connection was easily grasped.
Deborah (Teach Preschool) says
It is a great list!
Tammy says
I agree with Blueviolet…BOB books work really well and the illustrations are very simple too.
Lori says
You always have such great educational stuff to share, I just added your button to my blog. I can’t get it to fit just right, but when my son’s done with school I’ll ask him to help.
Thanks for all of your creative ways to make learning fun for little ones. It’s so great to be able to share this.
Funky Mama Bird says
I seem to be doing all of these already even though we haven’t even hit age 2 yet. I’m sort of glad there are guidelines to follow; let’s me feel I’m doing it right!
~SHANNON~ says
I just did the holding the book upside down thing the other day- and was delighted that she knew to turn it over:)
Shonda says
I like the one about pointing words. I need to work on a few of these.
Annie says
Pointing words are the best.
Simoney says
Great tips! How have I never heard these before??
I have two kids at school already and somehow missed this.
Thanks for clueing me in 🙂