I have so many cute nicknames for JDaniel. Some stick around for a long time like “Cutie Patootie” and “Lion” as in Daniel in the lion’s den. Some are temporary and fit an activity we are doing like “Super Rake Boy” and “The King of Clean Up”. He seems to love them all. JDaniel loves terms of endearment. I think he sees them as a form of praise or acknowledgement of love.
Of course he is two and half and hasn’t really reached a point where I really embarrass him. It is almost as if we live in our own little world even while we are out and about. I can joke and tease him and he thinks it is fun. I can push him on the swings and he giggles joyfully when I call him a “Rocketing Toddler in Space”. He roars even louder when he jumps up from behind bushes and I call him “My Ferocious One”. JDaniel runs faster into my arms when I call for “Sweet JDaniel” to come.
I really don’t look forward to the “Ah! Mom, please don’t call me that in front of my friends or anyone.” The cries of “Do you do this to embarrass me?” or “Shh! don’t ever say that again!” will soon fill my ears. There will be a time when he will just stand there and shake his head.
I don’t look forward to that. I really love having these little nicknames I can use and he enjoys. Maybe he will still let me use them at home.
When did your children ask you to stop with nicknames?
Are you still allowed to use them in the house?
Are there nicknames that have stuck and are part of your children’s public persona?
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Jill says
I hope he lets you keep it up for a while longer. 🙂 Honestly, we really don’t use nicknames around here. I guess I call my boys “Buddy” and my daughter “Babe” a lot…. but usually just at home.
Megan says
So cute! Noah Daniel is still too little to tell me not to call him any nicknames and the one we use most often is smoochy (http://devinandmegan.blogspot.com/2010/09/smoochy.html) which I’m sure by the time he reaches pre-school he’ll be asking me not to call him 🙂
Mellisa Rock says
We call all of our boys bube – not sure where or how it started…but they are at that age when in public we are shunned. 🙂 In our home though Hubby calls all of the kids by their first name then bear…like Jakeybear – they seem to love it.
Lindsay says
oo man.. I so don’t look forward to that day! Not sure when it will be! I call Sammy all sorts of nicknames too.. The one I use the most and stuck around the longest so far monkey boy 🙂
coolkids says
I love nicknames! I have too many for both kids. One of my favorite books is princess baby… It is about calling the little girl by her “real name” princess BABY! lOl. love it.
Ms Bibi says
I had many nicknames for my boys and they did outgrew the cute ones and asked me not to use them EVER again at the age of 7 or 8. They both have nicknames that stuck with them and we are allow to use.
I call my little one LP (Little Peanut) or Hollywood and the new teenager allows me to call him Hormone Boy at home and HB in public.They both are good sports.
Flying Giggles and Lollipops says
I use to call my daughter Love Bug, but eventually, we dropped the love and now it is just Bug. It comes out so naturally and at times I feel odd after saying it. When I pick her up from school and I say, “Come on Bug.” I wonder what parent think because she certainly does not bug me.
~ Noelle says
i love that… i was thinking the same thing… i still call my brother ash, but that is just short for his name, ashton…
but several people call me noey, that was what ash ended up calling me! ha ha
Davene says
Nicknames are fun! The sillier, the better…at least when the kids are little. 🙂
Just tonight when I was tucking my oldest (8 years old) in bed, I called him Josiah My-uh; and my second oldest (5 years old) asked, “Why do you call him that?” I’m sure he knew the answer already, but I went on to explain how we used to chant to Josiah, “Josiah My-uh, my sweetie pie-uh,” when he was little and we lived in Israel. The Josiah My-uh part has stuck, but now that I think about, I probably don’t call him that in public. Not that he’s ever asked me to stop, but I do want to be sensitive to his growing independence…plus, “My-uh” sounds like the girls’ name “Maya,” and I don’t want anyone to think that Josiah’s middle name is Maya! 🙂
Our third, Tobin, is called Tobin Bear so often that when we ask him what his name is, he says, “Tobin Bear.” 🙂
Our fourth, Shav, is almost always Shavi…and out of the lips of Tobin, it sounds like “Oddy.” 🙂
Abbie says
I love the idea of having so many nicknames! What a neat way to get your child excited and feeling loved. Going to try this tomorrow with Sam.
Stopping by from hedgehog day#7. Love how specific your titles are and how many cute buttons you have!
paige says
My mom had lots of nicknames for me and, at 34, she still does. She even makes up new ones. I never got to the embarassed stage, but then again I’m a girly girl. Maybe JDaniel won’t either.
Joy says
What cute nicknames! Emmy is three and now when I call her nicknames like my little M&M she says “I’m not an M&M, I just Emily.” It’s so cute.
Anti-Supermom says
The boys that I watch (not my children) all are often called ‘Buddy’ – other than that, my kids have special nicknames – none of which are pumpkin though 😉
SisterTipster says
Soo cute using nicknames and now that my son is a teen~well, I STILL do it! And it’s just how it is! LOL~thanks for coming by Telln’ It for WW~
that boy WAS my baby… :`-))
Lindsay Blogs says
I dread this day, too 🙁 My little Pumpkin and Dumpling aren’t allowed to grow up!
Erin says
I don’t even want to think about this day! I call my 3 1/2 year old “P-Nut” and now when I call him that he says “My name isn’t P-Nut, it’s Thomas”
Life in Rehab says
Last night, I tickled Sammy’s tummy and called him my little sweet tickle pickle. He laughed and kissed my hair, telling me I’m the sweetest momma.
He’s 19 and in college. And has a beard.
Keep the faith.
A Daddy Blog says
I had to comment on this because the name I most frequently call our toddler is “Pumpkin”. Not sure why I started, though her first Halloween she was only a few months old and dressed in the cutest footie PJs with a pumpkin on the butt. I dread the day we become embarrassments to our little girl. Hopefully that’s still pretty far off, though time moves way to fast for my liking.
Megan says
Honey Bunny and Dear seem to be the ones that have stuck. Five years and she’s still not bothered by them. In fact, she uses them to refer to others. The parents at preschool are so tickled when she calls them Dear instead of their first name.