Christmas Ornament Memories
Over time you start to collect Christmas ornaments. Some may be from places you visited you want to remember. Some maybe gifts from friends or family. Some may represent a hobby or interest you have. Whatever the reason you have to obtain your ornaments within a short time span you may have enough to cover a Christmas tree.
For many years I didn’t put up a tree in the condo I was living in. I lived alone and spent most Christmases at my mother’s house. This didn’t stop me from being given Christmas ornaments from my students. I had a thriving collection of tin school houses with my name engraved on the bottom. There were also a few hand-painted or crafted by students. Those I cherished and still have. The tin school houses seem to have disappeared over time.
One year about fifteen years ago everything changed. I decided to not only get a tree but start collecting ornaments for the tree. I started working as an educational trainer that year and spent many weekends flying around the United States teaching other teachers how to use an online educational site then called Marco Polo. (I taught over thirty training sessions over the year and a half I worked for them) I decided to try to find an ornament to represent each training that I conducted during that time.
Some of the ornaments represent the actual place I visited and some represent what I learned from that training.
There is a dove that represents a training I did in Hazelton, PA. The teachers there were awesome and encouraging. I had done a training session in South Carolina that was horrible for many reasons. The materials didn’t arrive until lunchtime, they liked the site manager better than me, and the list goes on and on. Before I walked in the school to do the Hazelton training, I prayed for guidance on how to meet the needs of the teachers that would attend the training along with peace on my part that everything would work out.
I have a lovely wooden tree that I picked up when I went to Chuckey, Tennessee. I had a free afternoon and traveled down to Gatlinburg to visit a craft school I had attended one summer when I was in high school. I love the simple lines of the tree. The training went well there if you discount the fact that the internet set up at the school as designed for no more than ten users at a time and I had twenty in my training. Thankfully I was given CD each teacher could work off of. It was a lovely group that ended up with a simple lesson.
A small biplane represents the size of the plane I had to fly in and out of Paducah, Kentucky on. When I got ready to fly out of Paducah we were all asked to move to the back of the plane to take off. There huddled in the back of the plane were three other passengers and I along with the stewardess.
The final ornament I am going to share with you is Santa on a tractor. It represents a training I did in Pleasant Plains, Illinois. While getting ready to leave the training, I saw a school bus full of teens drive by. It was the middle of the summer and I didn’t think they were summer school students. It was explained to me by a teacher at the school that they were coming back from the fields after a day of detasseling. Detasseling is the process of taking the pollen-producing tassel out of the corn stalk. It sounded like hot and tiring work. The teacher was shocked I had never heard of it.
JDaniel and I rifled through my box of ornaments to choose the ones that would decorate our Christmas tree this year. Our tree is tiny and didn’t need many ornaments so we only selected a few. The ones I described to you above are the ones we selected to put on the tree along with a couple of colored balls and a few other ornaments.
JDaniel loves each of the ornaments for different reasons than the ones I selected them for. He loved the plane and the tractor because he loves vehicles of all shapes and sizes. The dove he said looked pretty. The tree was due to its texture.
No matter what the reasons were for his selections when I look at them on the tree, I remember trainings that I went on all those years ago that inspired them along with the wonderful and challenging people I met on my journeys.
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varunner says
I love the sentimentality of ornaments. I have my grandparents’ ornaments (but didn’t put them on the tree this year because of the twin factor). Last year I emailed family and asked them all to consider getting or making an ornament for the boys that represent them. So now we have several ornaments from various relatives, which is really fun.
Veronica Lee says
Those are really lovely ornaments you have there. The dove is indeed pretty!
(Florida) Girl says
How very sweet. I am such a big believer in enjoying the simple things.
Melissa says
I love your ornaments. I buy an ornament per family member each year that reflects something about each person’s life for the year. It has become one of my favorite traditions. :o)
cooperl788 says
I love hearing stories about how people acquire their ornaments for their trees. I love that you got an ornament for each training – what a lovely way to commemorate that time in your life. We buy an ornament for Georgia every year based on her interests. My hope is that whenever she moves out, she’ll have a set of ornaments to start her collection.
Davene says
It was so much fun to read your stories behind the ornaments. Such richness when you consider the memories attached! And how wonderful for your little man to have the opportunity to see the ornaments and hear the stories.
Lori says
What a great story and what a great way to keep your memories alive.
Busy Working Mama says
Awww! I love it! We were back in Chicago visiting my parents and put up their tree this weekend. It was fun to see some of the old ornaments we had made as children. Hope you are having a wonderful week!
Valerie says
Wonderful ornaments. Isn’t it amazing the memories they bring when we dig them out year after year?
blueviolet says
The memories of the ornaments are even better than the ornaments themselves to us. 🙂
maryanne @ mama smiles says
I love your dove ornament – so pretty!
Lindsay says
I so love reading about others ornaments and the stories and events in their lives that brought them to get the ornament! Thanks so much for sharing!
StarTraci says
How wonderful! What a beautiful way to celebrate something that you poured so much of yoruself into. When I was younger, I collected bells from wherever I went and while I haven’t bought new bells in years, I do still look to them as reminders of special events in my life.
TheMadHouse says
I love Christmas decorations and we have collected one a year since we got married. Now the boys buy one and even my mum buys them too for us. I love that they all have a History, they are part of our history. Now I love the ones the boys make. I am not precious about it all being the same colour
Mary says
What wonderful memories your ornaments represent…why am I not surprised JDaniel loved the plane & tractor 🙂
Jenni R. says
Enjoyed reading about your ornaments! Makes me glad we’ve started getting a few in the different places we’ve lived. We are in awe of our friends miniature shoe ornament collection for a small tree they have. Amazing the small shoes they’ve found all over the world!
Together We Save says
Thank you for sharing your memories with us.
Jackie H. says
hmmm, I remember marco polo, though vaguely, I never had anyone come and train me on it 😉 I love ornaments that come with a story!
coolestfamilyontheblock says
I just love to hear about people’s special ornaments! They can represent so much and hold so many memories 🙂 I can’t say that anyone has really ever given me an ornament, let alone one with any special meaning, but I pick out my own ornament(s) each year. Since highschool I’ve been collecting bird ornaments because my grandmother used to have birds on her tree and she moved away when I was 5. I had such fond memories of her house at Christmas time, it was my way of re-capturing that and being able to share it with my kids.
I wanted to thank you for commenting on my blog during my SITS day, I really appreciate it 🙂
~ Noelle says
my mom started me collecting them…
and my grandmother just gave me several of hers now that she moved.
i also have them from trips…
Love the stories behind them
Personalized Sketches and Sentiments says
Love your ornaments and the stories behind them. We have a lot of ornaments from my hubby and my family’s trees when we were growing up. And also when our kids were growing up. I have bought an ornament for each of them. Our older daughter got married on New Year’s eve two years ago and at one of her bridal showers, I had each of her ornaments each year from her first Christmas and forward, wrapped in two keepsake boxes to give her as one of her gifts.
Blessings & Aloha!
I have yet to do my post, but just had to stop by to say hi, when I saw your title on the link :o) Have a blessed Christmas!
Pondside says
Merry Christmas! I love the idea of a set of ornaments that brings back memories of a particular time of life. I hope that you and yours have a memorable Christmas around your pretty tree.
Sue says
Thanks for sharing memories of each wonderful ornament.
I loved this!
Merry Christmas.
Judie says
When the kids were really young, I didn’t have any money and would have to wait until the trees were down to half price to buy one. We have always made ornaments by hand. One year we decorated blown eggs with feathers and sequines. Another year I made little toy drums by cutting up toiletpaper tubes and coverying them with colored paper and god string. The possibilities are endless. Thanks for sharing!
Teresa says
What a lovely bunch of ornaments. It’s so neat that you took the effort to find a token to represent each of those trainings. So very nice.
Jingle says
Hope you well, season’s greetings!
Awards 4 U, Merry Christmas, Thanks 4 Being My Friend!
Awards 4 U, Stay Blessed
Jo says
What wonderful story’s to accompany the ornaments!
Mrs.Mayhem says
It’s so cool that you have ornaments representing different times in your life!
I have decided to start collecting ornaments whenever we travel. I bought an ornament in Germany this past year, and it was so special to hang it on our tree.
Melanie says
Ornaments are so much more than ornamental when chosen just right. I am sure they were absolutely more beautiful because of the memories they held. I remember my family ornaments when I was smaller. This year, I barely got shatterproof bulbs on the tree!
Bekah says
What great memories! I’m looking forward to starting my ornament collection with my fiance so that one day we too can have a tree full of memories.
Jenny says
Memory trees are always the most wonderful. It would be fun to write down the stories of the ornaments as a kind of provenance. So many of these stories are lost over time.
Thanks for this wonderful holiday link.
I know I’m late visiting, but at least I can be early wishing you and your loved ones a 2011 filled with joy and blessings.