What is Your Biggest Toy Challenge?
We have toys tumbling out of crates, closets, and baskets at your house.
There more toys than one little boy can play with at our house. We have toys for small children and toys for school age children JDaniel isn’t old enough to play with.
Every time we get a box of hand me downs from my sister Kate or my sister Michelle comes to visit we get more toys. I hate to say no to them. JDaniel will grow into the toys for older children eventually. The age appropriate toys always look like fun.
I am just running out of room for toys. If you could look into my closets and under our beds you would find toys stashed away.
Some of these toys are things JDaniel has outgrown but, still likes to play with every now and then some as little as once a month. Yes, those I should let go.
I have a wonderful idea for those extra toys. It will help you sort through all toys you have and do something special with them.
Stay tuned next month to read my Genius Tip on how I beat this challenge!
Lisa @ Two Bears Farm says
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