Today is National Tooth Fairy Day! I decided to celebrate by having JDaniel sink his teeth into teeth.
He had pickle lips with green pea teeth, a carved apple, veggie chip lips and a tongue with a rice inner mouth and raisin teeth, banana lips with red grape lips, and a ham and cheese sandwich mouth.
JDaniel ate everything except the rice. I really should have used cherry yogurt for the inner mouth. He would have inhaled that.

How much does your tooth fairy pay for teeth?
This post is linked to Muffin Tin Monday!
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Those are such cute ideas using “teeth”! I’m sure the tooth fairy is paying a lot more than the quarter she was paying when I was young.
SO CUTE! I haven’t had to pay up yet =)
What a darling idea! My brother tells me the tooth fairy pays $5!!!! That’s just crazy!
Ha! That is so creative!
Neither of my boys have lost any teeth yet, so not sure. Maybe a quarter?
Oh very cute!! And creative. I had no idea it was tooth fairy day.
No lost teeth yet, but I’m guessing the tooth fairy pays whatever she has handy 😉
great teeth tin! really has some bite!
Tooth fairy gives $1 per tooth–except first tooth was $5 and your front teeth are worth $2…..wouldn’t you know my LO was at his Grammy’s house when he lost one and the tooth fairy there pays out quite a bit more–argh! 😉
At our house… Daddy Tooth Fairy pays a dollar a tooth. An the kids both know it is him, but we all pretend it isn’t. LOL! He hides the money under their pillow.
That is so cute. : ) You are the Queen of Creativity!
You are far and away the most creative person I know. I am in awe.
Wow…you are insanely creative. This would never happen in my house, LOL.
I am always amazed at how you come up with these things! That is so creative! I especially like the peas teeth. There have been a lot of lost teeth at our house this year (dozens) and even at just $1 a tooth, this tooth fairy is going broke!
This is a fun tin 🙂 We’ve not had any loose teeth yet, although my girl is quite interested in the whole idea (from a capitalist perspective, I’m sure) thanks to Charlie & Lola! I reckon maybe $1 per tooth, $2 for molars?
so fun! =) very clever!
Most of the time I forget and have to chide her for forgetting. But then I slip it under their pillow and tell them that they might have missed it.
I’m not a good tooth fairy.
You are a FUN mom.
That is such a cute idea!
tooth fairy gives $1
super cute!!
So creative! What my girls would eat if I had the patience to put together something like this!
Oh my goodness, that is just too creative. Wondering how long it took you to make that.
Your creativity is amazing! I would have never even known it was National Tooth Fairy day, AND I would have never thought to make snacks to celebrate the day! AMAZING!!
The teeth at our house go for $1 a piece. With the exception of the two front top teeth, since they are so big, the got $5 each!
omg that is adorable!
Very cute, when my girls turned two I saw a container of 60 animal cookie cutters at Michael’s and we have been having a ball with them ever since. I am going to do more meal choices like you have pictured here, thanks for sharing!
I need you to come over and make my lunches 🙂
how fun!
i am so nervous about how much the tooth fairy is going to owe when sbj starts losing teeth! i am pretty sure i always got coins…NOT dollars like kids are now!
ha ha! how cute! hmmm… the tooth fairy.. we have a few years before that. good thing the tooth fairy doesn’t need a cost of living raise. ; )
I didn’t know there was a National Tooth Fairy day. We pay $2 a tooth. My kids are lucky.
Audrey was just talking about the tooth fairy today! She tried to say she lost a tooth in the back. I think the other kids at school were talking.
How adorable!!! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Linking up to your back to school traditions.
National Toothfairy Day? I had no idea there was one. When my oldest was little we paid fifty cents a tooth but I think rates have increased since then!
Fabulous! May have to try some of those teeth foods for Halloween!
What a great idea!!! The going rate that I always hear is $5. My little one has lost 2 teeth and got $5 for each one. Seems like a lot to me, but he doesn’t get allowance so I guess it kind of makes up for that 🙂
I love this idea and what a cute tin!
These are so cute! I need to make these for my little one 😀
I’m going to have to read through all these comments to now know the going rate for the tooth fairy!
I love this idea! I have a few years until the tooth fairy visits but will keep this in mind.
love, love this idea!! you are so brilliant!
I never knew she had her own day!Our fairly leaves a dollar.
I love all the teeth ideas- and the sandwich was adorable!
I love themed lunches!!! I didn’t even know it was Tooth Fairy Day on Monday, and totally missed it. I need to keep better track of those days. I love the muffin tin too! 🙂 I’ve been seeing a lot of Muffin Tin Mondays lately and have muffin tin envy. I need to get out and find some colorful ones for my kidlets. Visiting from the It’s Playtime hop! I would love it if you stopped by my blog to say hi! 🙂
Mandi at
Too cute! Our tooth fairy brings $2 and a new book for the first teeth and then $1 after – Sometimes the tooth fairy forgets and comes the next night – hey, she’s got a busy job so lets give her some slack:)
How cute, man you are creative