Jack and the Beanstalk Math Activities will be fun to explore. Starting September 2nd a new Jack and the Beanstalk math activity will be shared right here on JDaniel4’s Mom. A new activity will be posted for five days. The blog 3 Dinosaurs will also be sharing Jack and the Beanstalk activities. You will definitely want to take a moment to check theirs out.
Jack and the Beanstalk Math Activities and More
The Jack and the Beanstalk activities for both blogs will be linked below the day that it is post.

The Jack and the Beanstalk Themed Number Counting Gameboards invite children to connect numbers and events in the correct order. There are six gameboards in this set of B/W boards. Your children can color their pages if they like.

3 Dinosaurs is sharing a wonderful ABC-themed mini book. This will be fun to explore with your children. I love the letter tracing portion of this little book.

Jack and the Beanstalk Number Puzzles for Kids offer children opportunities to explore number patterns and sequences. Children will explore the numbers from 1-10 by counting up and counting down. Skip counting by 2’s and 5’s puzzles are also in the set.

Coin counting can be challenging. This set of Jack and the Beanstalk Coin Counting Pages from 3 Dinosaurs walks children through how to count coins.

Various story elements from Jack and the Beanstalk appear on the pattern strips in this set. When you look over the pictures on the strips, you will find beanstalks, castles, golden eggs and so much more. Children place objects of their choice in the same pattern on the card.

What fun it will be to explore these fraction puzzles from 3 Dinosaurs. The beanstalk visuals will help your children see what each fraction looks like.

This Jack and the Beanstalk activity focuses on even and odd numbers. The set includes bean cards featuring numerals and number words. After selecting a few numeral or number word cards, children will need to place them on the even-number or odd-number beanstalk.

Measure the Beanstalk set from 3 Dinosaurs is a fun way to measure. Children will use unfix cubes to measure each beanstalk.

The Jack and the Beanstalk Muffin Counting set explores a number of themes from the story available in this set. Each theme has a paper muffin tin and muffin tin counting circles in B/W and color. The set comes with a themed paper muffin tin and theme circles that can be put in an actual muffin tin.
Children can place each theme number circle on or in the muffin tin, using real objects instead.

Counting to ten is also explored in this fun ten-frame activity from 3 Dinosaurs.
My Favorite Versions of Jack and the Beanstalk
Below is a selection of my favorite Jack and the Beanstalk versions.
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Trust Me, Jack’s Beanstalk Stinks! tells the story of Jack and the Beanstalk from the giant’s perspective.

Jack and the Baked Beanstalk features baked beans and a friendly giant who likes to cook.

It’s Not Jack and the Beanstalk lets Jack tell his own story rather than a narrator.

This version of Jack and the Beanstalk has a southwestern theme and has fun twist.
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