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Waking Up to Find New and Old Dreams

“If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.” ~J.M. Power

The quote placed at the top of this post talks about waking up to live your dreams. As the mom of an almost three year old, I find that some days are not filled with fulfilling my dreams or even building towards them.

Some days are about making my son’s dreams come true or helping him learn skills that will help him achieve his dreams later on. It may be getting to go to the local children’s museum. (JDaniel dreams of going there a lot.) It could be teaching him how to share or get along with other people. He will need to master sharing to be a successful child and  later man.

Some days are about redefining my dreams. I spent twenty years as a teacher in a public school system. It was all I planned on being. That dream changed when I got married and had JDaniel. I was still a teacher, but one of different kind. The shift from classroom to home meant learning a new skill set and dreaming different dreams.

Some days present new paths and directions that cause your dreams to shift. Things happen in our world’s that show us we have woken up to a new world or circumstances. There are family struggles, job changes, or economic shifts.

So when I stumble out of bed following the announcement through the baby monitor that it is morning time. I am not always sure if the goals and dreams I have for the day are going to happen or if something else will happen that I have yet to even dream off.

What goals and dreams do you have for the New Year?

This post is a part of Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop.


Christmas Time Game of Tag

I have been tagged by Noelle from Jumpin Bean. She is a great blogging buddy and friend. I have answered the questions below and have tagged a few bloggers at the end of this post who will hopefully continue the game.

  1. When do you usually know and feel that it’s finally the holidays? We wait a long time to put up our Christmas decorations. When the lights are up outside and the tree is up inside, it finally feels like Christmas.
  2. What do you want for Christmas this year? I would love a new cell phone and a computer monitor. I believe Santa is bringing a cell phone.

  3. Do you go all out with decorations? We put up several crèches and a tree in the living room. The kitchen has an advent calendar and Christmas Countdown chart. We don’t go all out. I am not sure where we would store a lot of Christmas decorations during the rest of the year.

  4. What are you doing Christmas Eve? We will be having a simple dinner and opening one gift. It will be just the three of us.
  5. What are you doing Christmas Day? I have my mom coming for a Christmas lunch and my father will arrive from Virginia around dinnertime. I will be serving my dad a Christmas dinner. I can also see playing with new construction equipment a lot on Christmas Day.
  6. It’s Christmas time. What are you reading? We are reading a lot of children’s books about Christmas and I am reading a non-Christmas related Nora Roberts’ book.
  7. Favorite movie to watch during the holidays? I love It’s a Wonderful Life. I love the part when Clarence arrives on the scene.
  8. Favorite Christmas song? I love Mary, Did You Know? It has wonderful words and the music puts me in the right frame of mind for Christmas.
  9. Favorite holiday drink? I love hot cider with caramel. It has a great mixture of spicy and sweet.
  10. How is your Christmas shopping going? I need to get stocking stuffers. The big presents have been purchased and need to be wrapped.
  11. If you could spend Christmas Day anywhere else, where would you spend it? I love being home for Christmas. Traveling over the holidays is lots of fun, but I love being home Christmas Day.
  12. Any holiday traditions? We are waiting until Christmas Day for Jesus to be placed in the crèche. We have shepherds that have been circling around the house waiting for Jesus’ birth. They will arrive on Saturday. We are having a birthday cake for Jesus on Saturday too.
  13. Favorite thing about the holidays? I love getting cards from family and friends. I get to see what they are up to and how their children have changed and grown up in a year.

I am tagging the following bloggers:

Two Bears Farm and the Three Cubs

Spell Outloud

Life of a Sippy Cup Mom

Birds and Nature

Great Posts I Came Across This Week- November 20th

Child Related
Delightful Learning has an amazing unit she created for the book Corduroy. I love her button snake, graphing, texture, and all the other activities she did.
Little Helping Hands has a create post on creating a chameleons in her post Colorful Chameleons. The activity is genius.
Advent Related
I Blame My Mother has a great list of activities to do with your children during Advent in her post Celebrating Advent.
The Activity Mom has a great post called 2010 Activity Advent Calender. She has great learning activities to do during advent in her post.
Mom Related
Oops..There Goes My Mind has wonderful poem called I Heart Children. That will make you laugh, smile and maybe cry.
I Needed to Read This
Some Day You Gotta Dance has a post called A Prayer. That will make you think and then maybe even pray.
Red Couch Recipes has an amazing recipe for a Turkey Cranberry Wreath. Yum!
Giveaway on Another Blog
Tiger Tales is hosting a six book giveaway on their blog. Here are the titles:

Starry Night, Sleep Tight: A Bedtime Book of Lullabies by Gail Yerrill

A Long Way from Home by Elizabeth Baguley

Hush, Little Baby illustrated by Petra Brown

I Love You All Year Long by Steve Metzger

If I Were…a Firefighter by Pat Hegarty

If I Were…a Princess by Pat Hegarty


Christmas Book Exchange

Christmas Book Exchange - JDaniel4s Mom
The Activity Mom and I are thrilled to be hosting a Christmas Book Exchange. It is such fun to get something special in the mail during the holidays. We believe it would be extra special to get a book that you can read year after year to your children or grandchildren.


Here are the details of the book exchange:
  • The deadline for signing up is November 20th, 2010.
  • We are asking that you spend $10 or less on the book including shipping.
  • We will e-mail you your partner’s information by November 23rd.
  • Please have your book in the mail to your partner by December 10th, 2010.
  • The Christmas Book Exchange is open to U.S. residents only to ensure that the book gets to you in time for Christmas.
  • If you choose to participate, please display the button above in your sidebar. It isn’t required but will let others know about the book exchange.

Christmas Book Exchange - JDaniel4s Mom

  • You do not need to have a blog to participate.
Here is what you need to do to participate:
Email JDaniel4’s Mom at or The Activity Mom at
  • Your name
    • Your address
    • The age or ages of the children the book would be intended for
  • Whether the book should be religious or non-religious in genre
  • Whether you prefer a board book or non-board book


Please do not leave the above information in a comment.