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Describing Thanksgiving Three Year Old Style

Mom is in Timeout and My Time as a Mom is hosting a Kids Talkin’ Turkey this week. I decided to join in and see what JDaniel knew about Thanksgiving.
We read several Thanksgiving-related books to build on his experiential background. Then I printed out some coloring pages with Thanksgiving themes and had him tell me about them. Below you will see his responses to each picture.
He is not really into coloring so, I bought Wiki Sticks for him to use to outline each picture as we talked about it. He really enjoyed them.
 Here is what he said:

The Pilgrims traveled by boat to a place where they could spend time with God.

When they got there, they didn’t know how to do anything. That was not good.
 Squanto had to teach them. He showed them how to plant food and build homes. They lived due to him.

The Pilgrims were thankful that God and the Indians had helped them. They through a feast to celebrate. The food was great! Everyone had lots to eat. 
Thank goodness they got help!
This post is also being linked to Mrs. Matlock’s Alphabe Thursday.

Changing How You Look At Your Mother In-Law

I attend a moms group on Tuesdays called Mentor Moms. We are reading a book and discussing it at table groups this semester. The chapter last week was on mother in-laws. Before the table discussion a few mother in-laws stood up in front of the group and shared from their life experiences.
Each mom mentioned how their relationship with their children had shifted when they got married.  Some had really wonderful relationships with their daughter in-laws. Some have had  a difficult time.

Here are some of the tips they shared with us that I thought you might want to read before you head to Thanksgiving gathering that might include your in-laws: 

  • They won’t live forever so, try to make some  pleasant memories with them
  • Decide if battling over their serving your child two servings of ice cream is worth it.
  • A thank you note for even something small may begin to melt the coolest heart.
  • If their needs to be talk about an issue, have their child be the one to do the talking.
  • Try to include her in a holiday even if you can’t go to her house by calling, sending a card or flowers, or making before or after holiday plans.
  • If you are going to their house, ask ahead of time if there are things they would like for you to help with while you are there.
  • If you are going to their house, let them know ahead of time of allergies or limitations your kids might have they may have forgotten. They are older and older people can forget things.


Remember these things one mom said:

She once changed your spouse diapers.
She was once up late at night nursing him as a sick child.
She helped him learn how to treat you.
She taught him how to ride a bike, brush his teeth, and eat with a fork.
She introduced him to interests and hobbies he later excelled at.
She held him in her arms when terrible things like scrapped knees and bullies came into his life.

I know not all mothers did the things listed above. Some of you may have mother in-laws that were not great mothers and they may have done many things wrong.

For some reason unknown to anyone God did decide that your special guy would be given to your mother in-law to raise. 

She may not always be in the right. She may rarely be right in your eyes.I just ask you to think for a moment about how well or not well things have worked between the two of you. 

If any of the above tips can help to make things a little better this year, I am thrilled. 

Remember there is a little someone in your life that is watching how your treat your mother in-law and they  may apply it to a relationship with a mother in-law of their own down the line.

Disclaimer: I truly have been blessed by a wonderful mother in-law. We do have a couple of things we have worked on. 1. She eats a small breakfast, huge lunch and sometimes remembers dinner. I have learned to bring food with us for dinner or to offer to pick dinner up. She loves getting things brought in and I am not longer starving at night. 2. She leaves out all her breakables with the understanding that I will move the things Jdaniel could accidentally destroy. 

This post is linked to Mrs. Matlock’s Alphabe Thursday and Pour Your Heart Out on Things I Can’t Say!

Pause Life for a Moment-Adventures in Mommyland

I love to visit Adventure in Mommyland. It is filled with wonderful family oriented activities and insights. Charlene loves being a mom and you can read it in her words! What blessed children she has! As long time reader I have loved getting to see them grow and learn.Pause Life for a Moment

As a mother of six, I was very flattered that JDaniel4’s Mom asked me to post about pausing for family on Thanksgiving.  I love my family and I really enjoy spending time with them….my heart is at home with them and I love and appreciate each and every one of them.  Thank you JDaniel4’s Mom for thinking of me.  I wish everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

Every Thanksgiving as I sit at my kitchen table and look at those sitting around it with me…I can’t help but feel grateful for the joy and beauty of having such a large family.  Yes, it’s loud and there are fights over who gets a turkey leg and who gets to break the wishbone.  

But it’s also a time of appreciation.  A time to truly be thankful for the life that we live and the family we have to share it with.  I take the time and sit and stare at each one of their happy little faces and I’m glad God chose me to be their wife and mother.  

I sit and listen to them as we take turns saying what we are thankful for and I laugh when they say silly things…and I appreciate when they say simple things….how many things we take for granted that others don’t have…..

I think family dinners are something that people don’t appreciate in these days.  When I sit with my family and we are telling jokes and laughing and supporting each other – it makes me happy.  Why can’t more families sit and take time – to pause their busy lives and enjoy their families.  Truly listen to them.  So many families ‘eat and run’ or sit in front of the tv and don’t get the chance to appreciate the rare gift of family.  

Family is everything to me…my blog motto is “Family—Its not where you go or what you do, it’s who is beside you that counts.”  Now whether that person is a true family member or one that has just become like a family member….appreciate them.  Tell them how much you love them.  Because we truly don’t know how much time we have with each other and we should never take that time for granted.

Teach your children to appreciate and honor the adults in their life.  Take time for each other – who else in life is there to grow old with you, love you unconditionally and be there for you even when they are angry…but your family.  So, don’t just sit together at Thanksgiving dinner and acknowledge the gifts that God has blessed you with…Sit with each other every day or as often as possible.  Enjoy the time, the beauty and love that surrounds you (literally).  I promise the peace and love you will feel while eat, will feed you more than the food ever will.,  Take the time to look around that table and be grateful for the gifts that you are blessed with, not only on Thanksgiving day, but every day as well.

Please take a moment to visit her blog!

Muffin Tin Monday- Thanksgiving with Sweet Potato Casserole and More



We had a Thanksgiving feast a little early at my house and loved it. We actually love Thanksgiving foods year round.
What did we have?
Sweet potato casserole, mixed steamed veggies, turkey divan with a crescent roll lid,  cornbread stuffing stuffed into a turkey cookie cutter, and red grapes with cranberries.
Here is the recipe for the sweet potatoes:

We love sweet potatoes for dinner. When my friend Kathleen posted her version of Boston Market’s Sweet Potatoes, I knew we would be trying it.
My guys loved it. Both wanted seconds.

List of Ingredients

6 cups of mashed sweet potatoes
3/4 cups of dark brown sugar
1/2 cup of plain yogurt
1/4 melted butter
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon of pumpin pie spice
1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon of allspice
Topping Ingredients:
2 cups of minimarshmallows
1/4 cup rolled oats
1 tablespoon all purpose flour
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

2 tablespoon cold butter


  1. Rub a little olive  oil on the skin of each sweet potato and bake them in a preheated 400 degree oven for 60 to 70 minutes or until they are tender. When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, scrape out the insides and use an electric mixer on high speed to beat the potatoes until they are mashed.
  2. Add 3/4 cup brown sugar, heavy cream, melted butter, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, allspice and cloves into the sweet potatoes and mix well with the beater until all the ingredients are incorporated. Pour this mixture into an 8×8-inch baking dish.
  3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  4. Make the oatmeal streusel by grinding the rolled oats to a fine flour using a food processor. Using a blender will also work.
  5. Combine the oat flour with 2 tablespoons brown sugar, all-purpose flour, and 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon in a small bowl. Cut the cold butter or butter replacement into the dry mixture using a pastry knife or a fork. You should have a crumbly mixture with pea-size bits. Sprinkle this oatmeal streusel over the sweet potato mixture and pop it into the oven for 70 to 80 minutes or until the top begins to brown slightly.
  6. When you remove the casserole from the oven immediately spread the marshmallows over the top. Let this sit for about 10 minutes. The heat from the casserole will melt the marshmallows, and then it’s ready to serve.

Reminder: The Thanksgiving Traditions link up will open on Thursday. I would love for you to share you recipes, crafts, and traditions on the link up.
This post is linked to Muffin Tin Monday!
What are your must have Thanksgiving foods?

Ultimate Cheese Ball Recipe


When Mom in Management asked  her readers what our favorite Thanksgiving Recipe was, I immediately thought of the Ultimate Cheese Ball. I am so excited about being able to share it not only with you today, but with her readers as well.

Ultimate Cheese Ball Recipe
My sister Michelle found this recipe in a church cookbook years ago and she shared it with me. I really love how easy it is to put together and how wonderful it tastes.

Cheese Ball Recipe


  • 2 8oz. pkgs cream cheese (softened)
  • 1 Tablespoon Seasoned Salt
  • 4 Tablespoons finely chopped green pepper
  • 1/2 of 8 oz can crushed pineapple (drained)
  • 4 Tablespoons finely chopped onion
  • 1 cupped chopped nuts (I use pecans.)


Beat soften cheese with fork or mixer. You will want it to have a cream texture.
Next stir in ingredients (except the nuts). Again you can do the mixing by hand or with a mixer. If you like bigger chunks in our dip, you will find stirring by and will give you a chunky cheese ball.  If you want the flavors mixed more thoroughly and  in smaller pieces, the blender would be your best choice.
Then you will form the mixture into a ball.  I like to set the mixture on a piece of plastic wrap. I can then use the wrap to help me form the ball.
Finally, you will need to roll in chopped nuts. If you want to press the nuts into the ball, you can rolls the nut covered ball in plastic wrap. Put on plate and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate one day. Serve with crackers.
You will put the cheese ball on plate and cover with plastic wrap. (Yes, more plastic wrap.) I like to refrigerate it overnight before serving it with crackers. It seems to let the various flavors blend together. That give the cheese ball a deeper flavor.



Pause Life for a Moment- Mama Wants This

Alison of Mama Wants This the amazing gift of looking for and sharing answers to motherhood questions we all want to know. She is the mom of a cute little boy and a will be a mom for the second time in the late Spring. I love to read the lessons she is learning and the joys she has in being a mom.

Mama Wants ThisPause Life for a Moment

Opening my eyes, I was momentarily blinded by the bright sunlight. I blinked, trying to remember what day it was and where I was. I looked at the clock – 8 0’clock.

I stretched as I remembered, Sunday, it is Sunday. It was a strange sensation, feeling the warming sun on my legs. I haven’t woken up after the sun rose in nearly two years.
I got up slowly and padded to the bathroom.
As the hot water streamed down my back, pounding lightly on my tired shoulders, I felt myself relax for the first time in weeks.
I allowed myself a few extra minutes in the shower and looked at my growing belly for what seemed like the first time.
“Sorry, baby, Mama hasn’t paid you to mind for a few weeks, ” I whispered to my growing second child.
I finally drag myself out of the comforting lull of the hot water, dried myself and pulled on my clothes.
I walked through the quiet of our new home, unused to the lack of the toddler running around, counting 1 to 10, and hanging onto my legs.
I said a quiet thank you to my wonderful in-laws for braving their first overnighter with their grandson, granting me this unusual leisurely Sunday morning.
I turned on the coffee machine, letting it warm up in readiness for my husband’s must-start-day-with-coffee first cuppa.
I got myself a glass of juice and settled down in front of my laptop.
Without guilt, I checked my email, chatted on Twitter with friends I missed, busied myself on Facebook and did a little writing.
As I went about my online life, my husband finally got up and I hear the sizzle of the pan, as butter heats up.
“French toast?” I called out.
“The BEST French toast,” he replied.
We ate slowly. We talked. We wondered how the toddler and his grandparents were and resisted calling to check on them. We washed up.
I retreated back to the living room and curled up in my corner of the sofa.
I soaked in the moment – the only sound in the room, the quiet whirring of the ceiling fan.
I reflected back on the past month, when life was a whirlwind of activity, as we finally received the keys to our new house. Things had to be purchased, the house had to be painted, lights and fixtures had to be sorted, packing had to be done, cleaning of both houses had to happen – and life went mad.
Life with a toddler is hectic.
Life with a toddler, and being pregnant, even more hectic.
Life with a toddler, pregnant AND moving house, just insane.
And so, curled up on that sofa, I closed my eyes to savor a few more minutes of just doing nothing, but listen to my breath and give in to my thoughts.
I opened my eyes, pushed myself off my little comfortable spot and went out the door to pick my son up.
And life resumed.
Sometimes in the whirlwind of life pausing for a moment can help you be ready to take on the flurry of commitments, activities and special people in our lives. Alison beautifully illustrates that in this post.

Please stop by Mama Wants This and let Alison know how much you enjoyed her post.




Muffin Tin Monday on Sunday- Veterans Day

Veterans Day Lunch

Veteran’s Day isn’t until Friday, but I thought we would celebrate it early.
JDaniel loved the mandarin oranges in the star-shaped ice cube tray. They were hard to pull out, but I think he thought it looked like more oranges than he usually gets. I reloaded the ice cube tray when he discovered they weren’t enough.
The stripes on the flag-themed lunch are made of sun-dried tomato bread, ham, and cheddar cheese. I guess it is like having very skinny sandwich fixings.
This lunch was a hit. He could barely wait for the picture of the meal to be taken. He was also very hungry. We had a very busy morning.
Veterans Day Lunch
 If you look closely at the picture, you will see a hospital bracelet on one of his wrists. JDaniel fell and landed with his head against a coffee table on Halloween Day while we were at playgroup. I will be sharing more about what happened on Mommy of a Monster and Twins tomorrow.
 This post is linked to Muffin Tin Monday!

Pause Life for a Moment- From Corporate to Domestic

Sometimes you read a blog and you just connect with the blogger’s words and writing style. That happened when I first visited From Corporate to Domestic. I love what she says and I love how she says it. Natalie is an amazing mom, wonderful blogger and fabulous commenter. I am so glad she is here sharing today.

Pause Life for a Moment

I could not have been more honored when JDaniel4’s Mom asked me to be featured on her Pause Life for a Moment feature. I always love reading her blog and her Muffin Tin Mondays and all the fun activities she does with her son. I hope to be able to be as creative in the learning department once my son is older. JDaniel is going to be such a smart little boy because of his mommy!



When my parents dropped me off to college, I knew that a chapter in my life had closed. I sat on my bed alone and reflected on how my life would never be the same as in high school. My relationship with my friends would change, I wouldn’t live at home anymore, and I would have a new found freedom.



This was the first time in my life that I wanted to push pause to have more time to say goodbye to my youth.



After 4 years of college, I had finally reached the moment that all college students are striving for—graduation. As my family, my boyfriend (now my husband), and my future in-laws left to return home I felt empty. I wasn’t ready to let go of my college years to go into the workforce. I sat alone in my apartment realizing the enormity of that moment. I would soon be leaving this apartment, this campus to embark on a new journey.



I wanted to push pause to have a few more years of my biggest worries being if I received an A in my classes, being on time to my part-time job, and where I was going to hangout with my friends.



After all this planning, my wedding day was finally here. I was in my beautiful wedding dress about to marry my best friend. Once I walked down the aisle I knew the night would fly by.



I wanted to push pause to enjoy this moment forever. Dancing the night away with my Prince Charming.



As the moment finally arrived for my son to make his debut into the world, all I could think of was I’ve been pushing forever—is he ever going to come out? But then he did, and I couldn’t believe how beautiful he was or how he was something my husband and I created together. A new life is such a miracle.



However, with all the hustle and bustle at the hospital I didn’t realize how fleeting these moments were. I didn’t think of pushing the pause button and before I knew it these moments were gone.



Today as I look at my 1 year old (as of last week) and can’t believe he’s no longer the little baby I used to swaddle and cuddle him on my chest. Now he’s a big boy on the go wanting to experience everything.



I wish I could push pause so I could revisit these treasured moments. They are only small for so long and before you know it your baby is all grown up.



Life is such a precious gift make sure to thoroughly enjoy every minute of it.  JDaniel4’s Mom thanks for having me over to reflect back on my “pause moments.”

Please take a moment to go and explore From Corporate to Domestic!


Muffin Tin Monday-Halloween

Happy Halloween! We had a spook-tacular Halloween muffin tin meal at our house! JDaniel had pumpkin chili served in a cornbread muffin.  He helped cut out apples in a pumpkin shapes. We made pumpkin pie dip for the apples. There were pumpkin orange carrots,  orange American cheese sliced into pumpkins and sweet potato tater tots from the frozen food section at the store.

In previous weeks I have featured tins that included more holiday shapes. This week I decided to feature really healthy Halloween foods. Guess what? JDaniel really enjoyed them.

I have included links to the recipes in the paragraph above. I hope you will try they out.

Oh! I didn’t include sugar in my chili!

What are you having for your Halloween meal?

This post is linked to Muffin Tin Monday and my Halloween Traditions link up. If you haven’t had a chance to link up your recipes, crafts, costume pictures or posts on tradition and memories, please do. The link will be open until Nov. 4th.