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Read.Explore.Learn.- Thanks Giving

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My Book Tie-Ins of the Week:

Acorns Everywhere! by Kevin Sherry is about a very forgetful squirrel. He stashes acorns everywhere and can’t remember where to find them. He ends up taking berries from a few animals due to extreme hunger. Some of his stash of acorns is found and shared by some of the very animals that he has taken berries from. They are thankful that he is forgetful. 
What did we do?
We colored and numbered acorns and then looked for those numbers on a yardstick.
Outdoor Activity
We hunted for acorns in our yard.

JDaniel painted an A is for Acorn page. Apparently acorns are blue sometimes.



Read.Explore.Learn.- Veteran’s Day

Welcome to Read. Explore. Learn! This meme was designed to be a place for you to share the learning opportunities, crafts, field trips, and other activities you have done this week that tie-in to children’s books. I look forward to seeing the ways you have learned with and explored books.


My Book Tie-Ins of the Week:

Veteran's Day Book for Children -My Big Brother

The book we read this week is called My Big Brother by Miriam Cohen. It is about a little brother who tries to fill his brother’s shoes when his big brother joins the army. This is a sweet story about how hard he works to do things just as his brother would have. It also talks about what he does to remember his big brother while he is away.

What did we do?

We have a number of members of my family that war veterans. My sister Kate has served in Qatar and Iraq. My grandfather and JDaniel’s grandfather GranDan served in World War II. I decided to share some of his GranDan’s memorabilia from his service.

Observed a Model

First, we carefully looked at a model GranDan made of the plan he flew in the Navy.

wooden plane made by GranDan

Created an Album

We looked through old pictures of GranDan and put them in a photo album from JDaniel to look through. GranDan passed away last winter. JDaniel loves to look at pictures of him.

ABCs of Exploring Books with Children: A-H Grandan book


Read.Explore.Learn.- Electing to Change

Welcome to Read. Explore. Learn! This meme was designed to be a place for you to share the learning opportunities, crafts, field trips, and other activities you have done this week that tie-in to children’s books. I look forward to seeing the ways you have learned with and explored books.
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My Book Tie-Ins of the Week:

Ordinary Oscar by Laura Adkins reminds its readers that it is okay to be you. Oscar wants to be famous. He is bored with his color, his night eating, and sleeping during the day. He gets a Fairy Godsnail to grant him three wishes.  He gets each of them. The final wish is the only one that truly makes him happy. It isn’t the wish to look stupendous and spectacular that makes him happy. It isn’t the wish to be huge that fulfills his dreams. Can you guess what it is? Did you guess that he wanted to be ordinary again? If you did, you were right!

The Bear with Sticky Paws Goes to School by Clara Vulliamy is about a little girl named Lily who doesn’t want to go to her school. It is boring. When she goes to visit Sticky Paws school she realizes, she misses the routine of her school. Sticky Paw’s school is filled with chaos, messy play, and a little counting. He only wants to play and do work that focuses on him. Lily learns a wonderful lesson about school routines and in the end finds a friend who loves her school too.
Coloring and Tracing

 I printed a snail coloring page and we traced the outline of the snail together.
Playdough Fun

JDaniel has learned to roll snakes with play dough

We wrapped the snakes around the snail until JDaniel got bored with it and started piling play dough on the snake.


Read.Explore.Learn- Things in the Dark

Welcome to Read. Explore. Learn! This meme was designed to be a place for you to share the learning opportunities, crafts, field trips, and other activities you have done this week that tie-in to children’s books. I look forward to seeing the ways you have learned with and explored books.


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My Book Tie-In of the Week

We read The Fox in the Dark by Alison Green. A fox is sighted by many animals in the dark forest one night. One a time they each end up at rabbit’s house seeking refuge and a place to sleep for the night. Rabbit’s bed gets crowded. Animals are shoving and pushing for space. Still, there is knocking on the door. A small fox wants a place to stay. He is lost and can’t find his mom. Finally, Momma knocks on the door looking for him. The animals surprise her by letting her and her little one stay for the night. This book scared JDaniel a little the first time we read it. When he realized the fox wasn’t looking for a midnight snack, he relaxed and enjoyed subsequent readings of the story.

What did we do?


    It has become a tradition for JDaniel and me to visit his Aunt Jane at the high school she works in costume and deliver her a treat. This year I had him decorate an old shoebox with Halloween stickers. We put cookies we baked into the box and took it to her school on Wednesday. She loved the box and I bet she inhaled the cookies.

Writing a Poem

    •  JDaniel loves to sit beside me or on my lap and work on the computer. We went to a great website called Read Write Think and wrote a poem about the moon using their

Shape Poem interactive tool

    • . Basically I just had JDaniel tell me things he knew about the moon and type them in.


Read.Explore.Learn. – Fall Harvest

Welcome to Read. Explore. Learn! This meme was designed to be a place for you to share the learning opportunities, crafts, field trips, and other activities you have done this week that tie-in to children’s books. I look forward to seeing the ways you have learned with and explored books.
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My Book Tie-Ins of the Week

Tractor by Craig Brown describes how each of the tractor attachments can be used to help a farmer with his crop throughout the year. The pictures in this book are amazing. I have to admit that I looked in the glossary in the back of the book to find out what some of the farming terms meant. JDaniel loved watching the fieldwork throughout the planting and harvesting season.

Hello, Harvest Moon by Ralph Fletcher beautifully describes a night filled by the light of a bright harvest moon. I love the wonderful rhythm of the words that describe the night time activities that can now be clearly seen due to the moon. The pictures in this book are amazing. If it weren’t for the fact that JDaniel would probably not sleep well, I would love to have a harvest moon here soon.

Autumn Harvest by Alvin Tresselt shares with its readers the things that can be found in a farm community in the fall. This book contains a lot of words and JDaniel’s attention seemed to wander when I read him this book. I loved the weaving together of wonderful word pictures like “.. the gossipy birds strung along telephone wires, waiting to start their autumn flight.

What did we do?

Farm Equipment Sensory Box

I placed some rice and several types of noodles in a plastic tub for JDaniel to explore. I showed JDaniel the glossary at the back of the Tractor book and the noodles I had selected to represent each tractor attachments.  He loved playing with it. He played with it for a long time and made very little mess. The next few times the rice and pasta tub was taken out it made a huge mess. I am still finding rice. My husband mentioned that maybe he was too young for this. I am not sure if he will get neater with age.

Painting Pumpkins

JDaniel got to paint his pumpkin from the pumpkin patch at playgroup this week. The mom who hosted playgroup this week, Jennifer had the children use washable finger paint. It was an awesome idea. The paint stayed on the pumpkins and not the children.

Catching Fall Leaves

JDaniel loves to be outside. He loves to play with leaves. I thought it would be fun to try to catch leaves in a butterfly net. The wind hasn’t been blowing here much lately so, I decided to throw leaves in the air and have him try to catch them. Later he decided to catch leaves out of piles of leaves I had raked.

ABCs of Exploring Books with Children: R-Z


Read.Explore.Learn- Pumpkins

Welcome to Read. Explore. Learn! This meme was designed to be a place for you to share the learning opportunities, crafts, field trips, and other activities you have done this week that tie-in to children’s books. I look forward to seeing ways you have learned with and explored books.


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My Book Tie-In of the Week

Five Little Pumpkins


We read Five Little Pumpkins illustrated by Ben Mantle. This wonderful version of the book has light hearted pictures that didn’t scare JDaniel. I love the happy pumpkins and fun characters in the book. It is a padded board board which I have found helps books last. That is really important when it comes to this book. We will be reading it for a long time.


We painted egg carton cups with orange bingo markers and placed them on a fence. It was fun to use the egg pumpkins to retell the story. The green strips were left over from a Sunday school lesson I taught two weeks ago. They are lick and stick.



Orange food coloring was created using red and yellow neon food coloring. JDaniel and I mixed the colors using cotton balls. This was fun, but very messy.

Disclaimer: I review books for Tiger Tales. Five Little Pumpkins is a book I was sent to review. The thoughts about the book are my own.


Read.Explore.Learn.-Fire Safety

Welcome to Read. Explore. Learn! This meme was designed to be a place for you to share the learning opportunities, crafts, field trips, and other activities you have done this week that tie-in to children’s books. I look forward to seeing what you have done.


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My Book Tie-In of the Week


We read Chief Rhino to the Rescue by Sam Lloyd. Chief Rhino thinks he sees a fire in the window of a nearby apartment building. He mobilizes the fire crew only to find out that Great-Granny Wrinkle is having a 100th birthday party with a cake full of candles.

We also read Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill by Jamie Harper. Miss Mingo’s class is afraid of fire and each animal student reacts differently to just the discussion of fire. The proboscis monkey honks loudly and his nose grows big. The elephant stomps his foot and trumpets his nose. Finally, Miss Mingo and a visiting fireman teach the class about fire safety and getting ready for a fire drill.
Cooking Project
JDaniel helped me put together this graham cracker fire truck. I put on the icing and he helped with the wheels and windows. The icing got all over everything.


Field Trip

Meeow and the big box

The storytime JDaniel attends focused on fire trucks and firemen this week. The librarian read Meeow and the Big Box by Sebastien Braun. She walked the children through the steps Meeow used to create a fire truck with a cardboard box.
 First, he painted one side of the box red. Then he cut a hole in the box. Finally he added wheels, a ladder, and lights. We also got to see a fireman in all his fire gear and climb on his truck.