You know your toddler is like a spider if he tries to climb everything.
Yes, everything is a piece of climbing equipment. The outside of the stairs become something to scale. JDaniel saw his friend Jake do this and has tried to do it for months. He has tried to climb a tree. He wasn’t sure how to make it up a tree. JDaniel just clung to a branch and said he was climbing. The crib is something many toddlers learn to climb out of. JDaniel has raised one leg to the top of his crib, but didn’t know what to do next. I am not going to teach him.
You know your toddler is like a mosquito if he learns to make loud sucking noises on your arms.
I love to blow on JDaniel’s tummy when I change his diaper and make a loud air horn noise. JDaniel decided to start doing the same thing to my arm early last week. I thought he was trying to bite me a first, but it turns out he just didn’t know what to do with his teeth.
You know your toddler is like an ant when he can carry things that seem to weigh more than he does.
Maybe not his full weight but heavy objects seem to be moving around my house. I don’t think my husband and I moved them.
You know your toddler is like a moth when he can’t get close enough to lights.
JDaniel loves flashlights. My mom has one out near her front door and he can’t wait to light it up. He also loves to climb up on the couch in the living room and turn out the lamp beside the couch. JDaniel really loves to do it if you are reading and he wants you to play.
You know your toddler is like an earthworm when he can’t get enough dirt on his hand, clothes, face, or toys.
We haven’t spent a lot of time outside lately due to JDaniel’s allergies. When we were outside a lot earlier in the spring, JDaniel was carrying his plastic spade everywhere and using it to dig in the mulch and dirt.
Finally you know your toddler is like a caterpillar when he can inhale lots of foods and later wants to cocoon himself your arms to snuggle.
lostinaseaofblogs says
LOL he sounds like a perfectly normal, healthy boy. My daughter reminds me of a bird, because she’s chirpy, she sings, she’s always preening herself, she eats little bites all day long, and she doesn’t walk anywhere… she hops.
AMKreations says
Awe…sounds like my kids! How cute and what great comparisons! Yep…he’s all boy…and it might be time for a real bed. My my ds began climbing out of the crib at 1 1/2, we knew a bed was very near in sight!
Winning Readings says
SO sweet!
Funky Mama Bird says
HHmm… the mosquito reference hadn’t occurred to me. I simply stated to my husband that someone had swapped our child for a vampire one night as he started alternatly biting and sucking on my neck!
Everyday Mom Ideas says
I just love the one about the moth. I think that hits home for me with my two boys. We used to have a huge collection of flash lights with fresh batteries, on the top shelf. Then my boys turned 4 and 5. Everyone of them either has the battery ran out or the bulb went out… I have bugs for children.
Dawn says
What a great post!! Loved it!!
FranticMommy says
Awesome post! Sweet and friendly like a ladybug, crabby and biting like a bee. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Michelle @ Flying Giggles says
Love this post! The cocoon is the best part!
Future Mama says
This is so cute!! Love the bug analogy. I like to sometimes call my little one ladybug. So sweet!!
~ Noelle says
lol, i love the snuggling! says
MarfMom says
what a cute post! i call my son the monkey for climbing though…spiders are too gross for me hahaha
Petula says
… That’s such a cute post and oh so true. You had me giggling. My youngest, who’s 3 now, is a climber as well. All types of things she shouldn’t like dressers, etc.