When I get in a rush to move on to something else and JDaniel has toys all over the floor, I start “helping” him clean them up.
He has totally picked up on this and has started to move on to the something else leaving me to clean up.
This tends to make me frustrated as he plays somewhere else in the room or heads to his room.
I usually bring him back to the room and encourage him to help me clean up. JDaniel does help, but very slowly.
Yesterday while I was on the phone, he dumped Legos all over the floor and couches minus its cushions. The cushions had been spread on the floor to create a walking path I was informed when I came into access the situation.
I sat myself on the floor beside the empty Lego container and asked him to help. He rose to leave the room and I informed him it was lunch time. If he would like to help with lunch, he would need to clean up.
JDaniel slowly picked up two or three Legos and put them in their container so, I picked up two or three. He picked up a few more and I picked up a few more. Lego after Lego I mimicked his movements.
He realized in very little time that if he picked up ten Legos I would pick up ten. The Legos were picked up in no time.
I slowly got up and mentioned that if he could take care of the cushions I would make a surprise lunch. He jumped to his feet and started placing them on the couch and love seat.
By the time I got the kitchen he called me back. I found him standing in the middle of the living room with all the cushions put away.
“Ta-da!” he announced.
I am so paused for a moment yesterday it gave him a successful moment we could be excited about.
There are days I need to help move things along. Yesterday I am glad I took it slow.
Pausing to let him clean up instead of my jumping in and look what happened! Ta-Da!
(Visited 78 times, 1 visits today)
Making It Work Mom says
So True! I often rush my children along causing both of us great frustration. Yipee for JDaniel!!!!
Esther J Pragasam says
Very true!like making it work mom said! I woke up late and hurried by daughter to school. while going to school, She was all in tears, I felt really bad.
Lisa @ Two Bears Farm says
Pierce hates to help clean up, but he isn’t allowed to get out anything new until he does. Even though he knows this, his first response when I tell him he needs to pick up is always “You do it!”. Sigh. Battle of wills!
Brandee Shafer says
I find cleaning up so overwhelming that, very often, I skip it altogether. I have a lot to learn from you!
Desperate Housemommy says
Loved this. Win-Win. Ta-da, indeed. 🙂
JennyBean says
That’s a very good lesson, Mommy!
Paula @ Simply Sandwich says
I have a lot of tricks of the trade for JDaniel. A small dust pan is great for picking up small toys like Legos. Scooping is more fun than picking it all up.
I also used to have my son pick up toys by color. Pick up all the red things…now all the blue….
He was always a competative little guy so we would have races (and still do at 12yrs old) to see who can finish first. I will make my bed while you put your clothes in the hamper or whatever. I made sure he would win and then tell him to gimme another chance…
Anyway – just some suggestions…hope it helps! 🙂
Judie says
I loved those “Ta da!” moments! It always saved me from getting out the front-end loader!!
blueviolet says
The way you handled that was brilliant!
Mommy Needs a Vacation says
Ta-da is right!!! I always sing the clean up song but then I realize that Tyler is just singing the song and not actually assisting in the clean up!
Andrea says
Fabulous! We have mixed success on this front. And you’re right it can be so overwhelming!
Grumpy Grateful Mom says
I enjoyed your story. I sometimes get in a rut with cleaning up. Sometimes it is just easier for me to do it. I love how you slowed down and had him help. And he had a proud moment in the process. 🙂
Victoria says
I’m soooo Type A! My son will start, and I’ll just say, “Go do _____, I’ll finish up.” Recently though, I’ve learned to let go and let him do it for exactly this reason – the “TA-DA!” he hollers to me when he’s finished! Truly a golden moment in my memory for sure!
Love your blog and your perspective on mothering!
~stopping by from SITS~
Elizabeth says
its the little things that count.. Take a moment and enjoy it! #commenthour
Handy Man, Crafty Woman says
Oh the Legos! they are everywhere! came over from the SITS comment hour.
Angela says
Thank you for this! I love this message and it is something I have to remind myself to do everyday. Being type A is great sometimes but then it drives me crazy other times. It’s important to just sit back and relax.
scottandalie.com says
So true! There is a movement called “the slow movement.” I heard a program on NPR about moving slowly and really treasuring the moment.
visiting from #commenthour
Kristen says
so very true. and so easy to forget.
Mom of the Twinkies and Tot! says
This is great. There are so many times we just do it to get it done…but teaching them & modeling to them how to do it is so much better in the long run! As a teacher I know starting this now will be so good for later on in life, too!
Just One Donna says
A great lesson for all of us!
Jessica @FoundtheMarbles says
Love that. Ta Da!!
ChiMomWriter @ It Builds Character says
It’s a tough one – There’s always the “next thing.” I can see that with my daughter, even when we turn on TV shows. We’ll be in the 1st five minutes of a show and she’s already asking what comes on after that. I’ve got to teach myself – and her – to slow down and enjoy!
Alovelydai says
Ta-da moments are the best!
Amy says
Wonderful post. Those moments are what parenting is all about.
Kari says
Here from #commenthour. I think that’s a great way to teach him how to pick up toys!
Newlyweds on a Budget
Ann says
Isn’t it wonderful when we realize how simple some things can be? Stopping by from the SITS comment hour.
Bartelmy says
Awwww, that’s adorable.
webly says
Hello from #commenthour
Tara says
What a great thought for everyone! we could all use a moment to pause!
Stopping by from #commenthour
Washington Woman says
What a great discovery – this ta da moment!
2Commentaristas says
Stopping over from #commenthour. I have found that one of the most important (and truly needed) personality traits one must have when becoming a mother is patience with a capital P.
Katy says
Great way of getting him to clean up! I really need to start working on having the Hoo pick up her toys. I usually just leave them out until the next day, and the next day, and the next day….*hangs head*
stopping by from the #commenthour way late!
TryItMom says
Yay! It is always good to have a reminder to let them do things in their own time 🙂
OneMommy says
I’m going to have to remember that when we clean up later today… I, too, seem to do the majority of the cleaning.
Stopping by from the Mom Loop…
~ Noelle says
what a great lesson…
i need to try to teach that to broxton..
he picks up a couple, then as he puts them up, he never returns…