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Muffin Tin Monday- A Scarecrow’s Harvest

Today’s Muffin Tin Meal was inspired by a picture I took when we visited the pumpkin patch last Monday. I loved the scarecrow in the picture and decided that I needed to try to create one for this week tin.

Scarecrow Harvest Lunch for Kids

To make the scarecrow I cut a corn tortilla into a head and body. The scarecrow received broccoli eyes, whole wheat egg noodle hair, a sliver of tomato mouth and a red pepper speck nose. He is dressed in American cheese and ham. I think he would scarecrows.

Another section of the tin is a corn stalk made of French fries flanked by carrot pumpkins with cranberry stems.


The final area is layered apple slices. We purchased wonderful Yellow Delicious Apples during our pumpkins patch visit.


Great Posts I Came Across This Week- October 16

Fun Post
Ostriches Look Funny has a super fun post called Because I Don’t Own a Foghorn. Her neighbors will be so glad she doesn’t own one.
Mo’ Betta has renewed my interest in trying to make biscuits. Her recipe for Low-Fat Biscuits would go over big at my house.
Homemaking Related
Frugal with a Flourish has 10 Ways to Use Mason Jars in Your Home. I found all the ideas fascinating.
Child Related

Today’s Fabulous Finds has the cutest ideas for Halloween-related fish she shares in the post-Halloween Fish. Say what?

The Attached Mama has set up the Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection – Master List. It is a great place to find and share ideas and posts you have had related to the alphabet and crafts.

The Fryman Four has wonderful activities to share in their Pumpkin Life Cycle post. I love the balloon pumpkins.


Read.Explore.Learn- Pumpkins

Welcome to Read. Explore. Learn! This meme was designed to be a place for you to share the learning opportunities, crafts, field trips, and other activities you have done this week that tie-in to children’s books. I look forward to seeing ways you have learned with and explored books.


  •  Link your activity below.
  • Please place the Read.Explore.Learn. badge on your post or create a link back to this meme.

Read.Explore.Learn badge


  • Please try to visit as many of the other links as you can. I will visit each of you and leave a kind comment.


My Book Tie-In of the Week

Five Little Pumpkins


We read Five Little Pumpkins illustrated by Ben Mantle. This wonderful version of the book has light hearted pictures that didn’t scare JDaniel. I love the happy pumpkins and fun characters in the book. It is a padded board board which I have found helps books last. That is really important when it comes to this book. We will be reading it for a long time.


We painted egg carton cups with orange bingo markers and placed them on a fence. It was fun to use the egg pumpkins to retell the story. The green strips were left over from a Sunday school lesson I taught two weeks ago. They are lick and stick.



Orange food coloring was created using red and yellow neon food coloring. JDaniel and I mixed the colors using cotton balls. This was fun, but very messy.

Disclaimer: I review books for Tiger Tales. Five Little Pumpkins is a book I was sent to review. The thoughts about the book are my own.


Decisions about Halloween and Pumpkins

There are so many decisions families make about Halloween.

Here are a few we have talked about at my house:

Will we trick or treat?

Some families don’t trick or treat. They have legitimate reasons and have decided not to participate. My husband and I both trick or treated when we were little and decided that it would be all right for JDaniel to dress up and visit houses in our neighborhood.

Will you put out a pumpkin?

Yes. We both had pumpkins on our porches when we were little and don’t see this as a problem for us.

Will the pumpkin have a face carved into it?

Yes. We decided that we could have a happy face carved into a pumpkin. I am totally aware of the history of carved pumpkins. A parent wrote me a three-page letter on the horrors of Halloween when I first started teaching twenty years ago. He detailed as much of the ancient history and meaning of Halloween objects he felt I needed to know followed by a declaration that his child wasn’t to participate in any Halloween related activities in the classroom. I think he had a right to share his thoughts about Halloween with me. His feelings on the subject were respected and I let his daughter abstain from activities that would have been objectionable to him.

Will we decorate the outside of the house with skeletons and ghosts?

No. JDaniel recently noticed some Halloween decorations at a friend’s house and was scared of them. They weren’t going to be a part of our Halloween décor anyway. We certainly wouldn’t be doing them even if we had planned to do them with JDaniel’s fear of them.

Will we read Halloween related books?

Yes. I am reviewing one this week in Read. Explore.Learn. I am not pointing out witches or ghosts out and discussing them. If he asks about what they are, I will tell him what they are called. At two he probably won’t want an in-depth discussion anyway.



Please Don’t Call Me Pumpkin In Public!

I have so many cute nicknames for JDaniel. Some stick around for a long time like “Cutie Patootie” and “Lion” as in Daniel in the lion’s den. Some are temporary and fit an activity we are doing like “Super Rake Boy” and “The King of Clean Up”. He seems to love them all. JDaniel loves terms of endearment. I think he sees them as a form of praise or acknowledgement of love.
Of course he is two and half and hasn’t really reached a point where I really embarrass him. It is almost as if we live in our own little world even while we are out and about. I can joke and tease him and he thinks it is fun. I can push him on the swings and he giggles joyfully when I call him a “Rocketing Toddler in Space”. He roars even louder when he jumps up from behind bushes and I call him “My Ferocious One”. JDaniel runs faster into my arms when I call for “Sweet JDaniel” to come.

I really don’t look forward to the “Ah! Mom, please don’t call me that in front of my friends or anyone.” The cries of “Do you do this to embarrass me?” or “Shh! don’t ever say that again!” will soon fill my ears. There will be a time when he will just stand there and shake his head.
I don’t look forward to that. I really love having these little nicknames I can use and he enjoys. Maybe he will still let me use them at home.
When did your children ask you to stop with nicknames?
Are you still allowed to use them in the house?

Are there nicknames that have stuck and are part of your children’s public persona?


Muffin Tin Monday- A Great Pumpkin Tin?

Muffin Tin Monday - Great Pumpkin Lunch

The theme for Muffin Tin Monday is pumpkins this week. I have been brainstorming for about a week to come up with ideas for this tin.

  • Idea One: I found this idea for the pumpkin fruit salad and knew it was right up JDaniel’s alley.
  • Idea Two: I could make grilled cheese sandwiches and carve a face in the bread. After the first cut I realized that this was not going to work. The cheese was cemented to the bread. The sandwiches still ended up in the tin minus the cute faces I planned to put in them.
  • Idea Three: There are tons of great recipes that have pumpkin in them. I could try one of them and put it in the tin. There were no cans of pumpkin on the shelves at the two stores I went to.
  • Idea Four: Take something and make it look like a pumpkin. I took several peach slices and put them in a pumpkin shaped array. A raisin was placed on the top of them to look like a stem.


  • Idea Five: Place something orange in the tin and call it a day. I found some carrots in the fridge and added them to the tin with a cup of ranch dressing to dip them in.




Superbaby by Dr. Jenn Berman- Review


I have truly enjoyed reading the book Superbaby by Dr. Jenn Berman. It focuses on the first three years of a child’s life. If I shared every quote I have marked in the book with a little paper tab, this review would go on forever. My son is almost past the age Dr. Berman is writing about in the book and yet I had so many ah-ha moments I marked with little paper tabs. Some were ah-ha I am so glad I did that with JDaniel and others were ah-ha I still have time to work on this with JDaniel.


I love that she starts with communicating respectfully with your child. One of the pillars of communication is to set your child up for success. As an infant JDaniel was easily frustrated, I needed to look at the things that were frustrating him and in turn frustrating me. Trying to eliminate them or look for other ways to accomplish them made a difference for him. She also talks about avoiding power struggles. I feel like I am living in the power struggle trenches right now. I am really working on trying to give JDaniel two acceptable choices as she suggests in her book.


The book describes the Dunstan baby language. I wish I had known about it when JDaniel was little. JDaniel was I am sure trying to tell me some of these things and I just didn’t know what they meant. He was always trying to chat. (He must have inherited that from me.)


In the chapter Dr. Berman titled More Than Chitchat she shares amazing tips for encouraging language. These is one of those chapters that I thankfully could say, “Ah-ha” to and have it be because I had done modeling, self-talk, parallel talk, expansion, recasting and extension. It is worth getting the book just to find out what these words mean in the context of talking with your child.


What are some other must reads in this book?
  • 20 Tips For Exposing Your Child To A Second Language.
  • The Six Immediate Benefits of Reading
  • Ideas For Getting The Most Out Of The Reading Experience
  • How Bedtime Reading Actually Changes Your Physiology
  • Thirty-Six Activities That Will Make Kids Of All Ages Love Lit
  • The Emotional Benefits of Play


As you can probably see, I really enjoyed this book. It is easy to read. It is straight forward in its presentation of ideas and concepts. I think every new parent would love it. I think all moms can glean information that will help teach their children even if your child is old than three. You will that this book is not opinion based, but based on research done by the author and her life experiences as a mom.The information contained in this book is so helpful. Read it to learn. Read it to be inspired. Read it to say, “Ah-ha” I did that well with my child.

If you would love to add this book to your parenting library, here is a SuperBaby by Dr. Jenn Berman  link to where you can get it for $16.47.


Disclaimer: I was sent a copy of Superbaby to review. All the thoughts and ideas in this post are my own.


Great Posts I Came Across This Week- October 9

Child Related
In Between Laundry’s Busy Tray looks like something JDaniel would love to have one to use at home and on the road.
Mom of Two Boys has a wonderful Corn Crib post. JDaniel would love to climb in and play with his trucks in the mound of corn she shares in her post.
A Cup of Jo has a recipe that is as easy as pie for pumpkin pie dip. It looks wonderful.
Almost Unschoolers’ Pilgrim Pumpkin Pie in the Microwave looks easy and so delicious to make.


I Needed To Read This Post
Blue Cotton Memory has a super post called Not a Grasshopper Caught in the Grip that reminded me that I have God holding me in His hands.


Ooops… There Goes My Mind has a post called Counting the Ways that helped be break out of mom brain funk earlier in the week.