As we start the New Year, many of us set goals and resolutions. I found a great site that help children set goals. It has a really nice goal planning worksheet. The site is called Goal Setting Kids. Here is the link to their site.
The Big Game Old El Paso Green Chiles Giveaway

The Old El Paso Big Game Prize Pack
(Two cans of Old El Paso Green Chiles are also included.)
I have one. I had hours of college football in my holiday plans. After the holidays, I can see NFL football on the horizon.Do you have a football fan who snacks at your house?
I have one of those too. He loves chips and salsa.
Here are some dips, salsas, nachos and chili recipes using Old El Paso Green Chiles. They each have prep time of less than 30 minutes.
(I did this with a picture of JDaniel and it was really cool. See the bottom of this post)
Disclaimer: Old El Paso through MyBlogSpark sent me a prize pack for posting this information. I am using the prize pack as a giveaway item for my church’s group for moms. They will also be providing a prize pack that I can pass on to you.
JDaniel Sitting in a Chair

What a Difference a Year Makes!
Low crawl
Two naps
Waking up at 5:30 a.m.
Baby Einstein
The Hungry Caterpillar
Feeding him with a spoon and some self-feeding
Watching me clean
Existing with other children in playgroup
Climbing the outside of the stairs
Sippy Cups
Words like coupons, football, oh-oh, eat,pacie,Jesus and many more
One nap
Waking up at 6:30 a.m.
Curious George and Thomas the Train
Richard Scarry’s Books
“I do it meself” (eating and everything else)
Sweeping and dusting
Learning to share with others in playgroup
My husband and I notice more and more how JDaniel has grown and changed in the last year.
My New Year’s Baby!
JDaniel has decided it is time to have a baby in the house. No, I am not going to have another little one. This baby is a stuffed dog. A few months ago I jokingly put his favorite stuffed animal Eckel in a swim diaper. After I took it off ,JDaniel would go and get diapers for Eckel a few times a week. I would explain that Eckel didn’t need a diaper, Mommy was just being silly and put the diaper back in the bathroom. Well, JDaniel finally got Eckel into a swim diaper last week. He doesn’t want it taken off either. Eckel needs it.
The next thing JDaniel decided Eckel had to have was a baby blanket. I was packing up the last of the baby blankets to get ready to consign them. They were quickly absconded and taken to a different part of the room. JDaniel ended up creating a nest to sit in with the baby blankets. Later he carried one around and kept repeating, “Baby,baby,baby.” “No,” I told him, “We don’t have a baby in our house. We have a toddler.” “Eckel baby,” I was told as he handed Eckel the blanket. Now Eckel has to wear a diaper and carry a blanket around or be wrapped in it all the time.
I am hoping the Eckel will stop wearing diapers and will give up the blanket soon. Until then I have a new baby in the house.
Personalized Calendar by Tukaiz Giveaway
A Family New Year’s Eve Party
Kate H. is my youngest sister. She is the mother of two, an adjunct college instructor, war veteran, and so much more. She is very creative. I thought you would enjoy hearing about how she celebrates New Year’s Eve with her family and friends.
Last year I used a cut-out Snowman from a Holiday card and we played secret snowman where the kids try to secretly attach the snowman (I put strong tape on the back) to someone. If the person notices them they need to try another person. It was great fun. The kids could not keep a straight face, but the adults pretended not to notice when the snowman was stuck to their backs. (This year the kids got Operation, and I Spy board game and Farmyard Uno so we will probably stick with board games.)
As 8 p.m. approached we break out the tacky paper hats and noise makers. I found some plastic champagne glasses at a discount store and we serve sparkling grape juice.
We have a battery operated clock in our kitchen which I take down and reset the time to make 8 pm turn magically into midnight. At midnight we toast each other and shout Happy New Year. This year I think we will make confetti because Charlie’s teacher said he needs to practice cutting.
Muffin Tin Monday- New Year’s Day
JDaniel had a New Year’s Muffin Tin today. It contained confetti fruit salad, New Year’s ball drop tomatoes, ham, black eyed peas, and apple slices cut into 2010. He loved all of it.
Bumpy Start to Christmas with a Great Ending
It really looked like it was going to be rough Christmas. My dad called to say that he had driven down from Virginia, but was spending the night before Christmas in a hotel. He had been sick all day and was worried he would keep up us. I wondered on Christmas Day would he still be sick. (I said a prayer for his health.) My husband was a little late in going to pick up my mom for Christmas dinner because one of the toilets was plugged up. (I prayed the plumbing won’t back up again.)I called my mom to tell her we were a little behind in coming together and she told me she was exhausted due to not sleeping all night. (I prayed she would enjoy her time with us.)When she got here I let the kitchen towel my mom had used to cover her corn casserole get to close to a burner and it got burnt. Thankfully the exhaust fan was already on and no one smelled the smoke. I was able to put out the small flame by running it under water. (I prayed I won’t burn anything else.)
Christmas lunch was supposed to be at 11:30. It had to be moved to 12:00. By then everything was on the table and ready to go. My family was in good spirits. Everyone got seconds of the things they liked best. It was a great ending to an interesting morning.
Jesus Lives Devotional Guide Review and Giveaway
In the next week you will be making resolutions for the next year. Some of you may resolve to spend more time with God and seek out a good devotional guide. I have been reading Jesus Lives by Sarah Young during the month on December. It is a wonderful little book of almost a half a year’s worth of thoughts based on scripture. Sarah Young has written very practical pieces that address everyday struggles for Christians. Each piece is written as if God is speaking directly to you about the ways He will guide you through those struggles. Along with a devotional piece there are three or four scriptures that further illustrate and support it. Each devotional piece has a theme and most of the themes are repeated throughout the book. You could go through this book in order or by theme if you desire.
I have read a number of devotional books. Some were sweet and tender thoughts about God. Some were written in very intellectual prose. Jesus Lives is tender in some places, but very really and challenging in others. I have been drawn back to reread some of the devotions over and over again. They have really made me think about my relationship with God and how I live my life. If you are looking to grow in your daily walk with God, this would be great book to use.
Here is a sample of one passage on trails: “…The best way to lay your problems down is: Bring them to Me. Unburden yourself by pouring your heart to Me, for I am your Refuge. As you release your woes to Me (even temporarily), your vision improves and you can see me more clearly. Linger with Me while My Light shines powerfully into your heart…”(taken from p. 12 of Jesus Lives)
I have really enjoyed spending time reading Jesus Lives this month and would love to pass on this special book to one of you.
How can I win it?
*Tell me how you plan to use the book if you win it. (1 entry)
For extra entries do any or all of the following leaving a separate comment for each entry.
*Write about this giveaway with a link back to it on Facebook or another social network site. (1 entry)
*Follow my blog. Leave me a comment saying that you now follow or that you already do. (1 entry)
* Twitter about this giveaway with a link back, you must also be following me on Twitter. Copy and paste: JesusLivesGiveaway@JDaniel4smom.(1 entry per day)
* Subscribe to my blog. Leave me a comment saying that you have subscribed or that you already do. (1 entry)
*Add me to your blogroll. Please leave a link to your site.(3 entries)
*Add my button to your blog. Please leave a link to your site.(3 entries)
*Favorite me in Technorati! (10 entries)
That is 8 ways to win. The winner will be chosen by using the random number generator at
This giveaway begins December 27th and ends January 8th at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Christmas Quote and Message
When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness.”
~ Bob Hope, American film actor and comedian
Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! This weekend I will be enjoying time with family and friends. I hope your will too.
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