I am participating in the MeMe Tales #readforgood Readathon 2012 this summer. During the Readathon, anyone who signs up on the MeMeTales site is given access to the books being featured for free. Each week the books follow a theme. The theme this week is Green Earth. The books being spotlighted this week are Let’s Go Chipper and What Does It Mean to Be Green.
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What did we do with these books?
I planned to take JDaniel on a nature hike at Paris Mountain Park with a nature guide, but the hike got rained out.
Research the area you are planning to observe to find out what animals you might see.
- Decide how you are going to record what you observe. (Photos, drawings, journal entries, etc..).
Wear comfortable shoes and clothes.
- Bring a snack and some water if you will be going on a long walk.
Go over the park rules. Some parks don’t want to take physically take stocks or even sticks from them.
Bring a plastic bag to store your trash until you can get to a trashcan.