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Muffin Tin Monday- Lunch by George


In honor of President’s Day JDaniel had a George Washington lunch. Allegedly George Washington chopped down a cherry tree as a young boy. It was fun to try and come up with foods that had cherries or would relate to George’s tree experience.

The first items in the tin are turkey sandwiches. George probably hunted for turkeys on his various properties. I haven’t read anywhere that they were a particular favorite of his. I do know that Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national symbol of our country. JDaniel has made the turkey sandwich his personal favorite for lunch.

The second cup contains broccoli trees and cherry tomatoes for dipping in the blue cheese dipping sauce. I mentioned the fact that George likes to chop down trees or is remembered for chopping down a tree. JDaniel has a special fondness for trees but, didn’t want anything to do with these. He ate all the tomatoes and the dip though.

The third cup contains cherry jello. It came out a little soupy this time. I am not sure what I did wrong, but it had enough clumps it that JDaniel thought it looked like jello and wanted to eat it.

The last cup on the second row contains JDaniel’s favorite part of the meal. I made biscuits and put cherry filling over one for him. I guess you could call it a cherry biscuit cake. It disappeared as soon as the tin hit the table so, I guess you could call it the disappearing cherry biscuit cake.


What is your favorite cherry related food?


A Heart Shaped Shadow with a Promise- Valentine’s Day Gift

I found this wonderful idea in part of my Sunday paper. It suggested taking a picture of a special ring in between pages of a special passage in the book to create a heart-shaped shadow. I thought this would be a wonderful gift for my husband

I tried my wedding band first, but I couldn’t get it to balance. After many attempts, I switched to my engagement ring. It would balance but, only with the diamond side down.

The verse I selected as my special passage comes from the book of Ruth chapter 1 verses 16-17a. This is one of the bible passages that were read on my wedding day. I love it for so many reasons. The biggest reason is that Ruth chooses to follow her mother-in-law back to her native land rather than stay in the place she was born and raised in. She left behind all she knew to follow someone she loved.

Here is the verse:

16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.

17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried.

When I got married, I left Virginia and move to South Carolina where my husband lived. It meant living behind all that I had ever known. I left behind my job of nineteen years, my friends, my house, my church, my bible study, and prayer group. It seemed like I was leaving behind everything I knew and loved to follow the man of love.

He is very much worth it!

What verse would you select for this project?


I Crumbled While Making Cookies


Last Monday I invited my friend Bridget and her daughter over for a play date and to decorate Valentine’s Day cookies. Before they arrived I decided to make the cookies and have them ready to decorate. JDaniel was watching The Cat in the Hat on television this meant I could make them without “help.”

As soon as I had the cookie ingredients mixed in the bowl, a patter of feet headed toward the kitchen. Before I could rush the dough out of the bowl and start rolling it out, I felt a plastic stepstool being knocked against my leg. “Move over Mom! I want to help you,” JDaniel announced. Apparently the Cat in the Hat had lost his attention.

I moved over and showed him what I was doing.

“I am trying to roll this dough out and cut it into hearts,” I explained.

“I need to taste!” he replied. I pinched off some of the dough and gave him a little bit.

“I will need more, please,” he told me. I gave him a little more and then started to roll the dough again.

Giving him little bits seemed like a good idea. It wasn’t a good idea. He kept trying to reach in the bowl and get more as I rolled out the dough and cut out the cookies.

I got more and more frustrated. He got more and more indignant about wanting the dough.

Thankfully my friend Bridget arrived on the scene with her daughter before the battle had really escalated.

When she saw the battle over the dough, she calmly picked up a spoon I had laying on the counter and filled it with dough.

“If you want this, you will need to go sit in your chair at the table,” she told JDaniel.

He walked right over to the table and climbed up in his chair. Once he had taken his seat, she handed JDaniel the spoon. He sat silently he licked the dough off the spoon while I finished getting the next batch of cookies in the oven.

“This happens at my house all the time,” Bridget said. “Really the best thing to do is give him his own ball of dough and let him play with it at the table.”

Why didn’t I think of that?

Why did I turn it into a battle?

Thankfully Bridget bakes often and she has gained experience on how to entertain her daughter while she cooks.

I don’t bake often, but I still should have known better.

I wish I hadn’t made a rookie baking mistake in front of her, but know what I will do next time I bake.

We did have fun decorating the cookies though.




This post is being linked up to Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop

A Ribbon Dog Made By JDaniel

Sometimes you start on a project and it becomes something totally different than you had planned. I pulled out some ribbon for JDaniel and I to thread through a blueberry container. I thought it would be great for holding cookies we were going to decorate and take to my mom for Valentine’s Day.

Making a Ribbon Dog

After I clipped off some of the ribbons off its spool so that we could weave it, a long strand of ribbon was left hanging off the spool. JDaniel picked up the spool of ribbon and announced that it was a dog. The long ribbon I had left hanging off the spool was his leash I was told.

Pretend Play

JDaniel started to help me weave the ribbon, but soon lost interest and started playing with his new dog Parker. He named his ribbon dog Parker after his friend Jake’s dog.
Parker needed to be walked around the house to get exercise. Then he was very hungry after his walk and needed to eat. JDaniel took the blueberry container off the table and announced it was Parker’s bowl. Ribbon dogs must be on a special diet. JDaniel had to prepare Parker’s meal using a variety of measuring spoons. He couldn’t just dump food into Parker’s bowl.


JDaniel cooking for Parker the ribbon dog
The ribbon dog eating

Pretend Play Continued

When JDaniel went down for his nap, I tucked Parker away with the wrapping paper in an upstairs closet. I didn’t realize JDaniel would want to continue to play with him.
After eating his “I took a good nap snack”, I was asked where his dog was. At first, I didn’t understand and tried giving him one of his stuffed dogs. I was informed the ribbon roll dog Parker was what he wanted. He was dismayed to find Parker had been moved to a closet.
Later in the day, JDaniel’s friend Nathan came over to play. I asked JDaniel to show him his dog, Parker. Nathan wanted to know where the dog was all he saw was some ribbon on cardboard. JDaniel took his comment in stride and informed him Parker was a pretend dog. Nathan shrugged and started pulling Parker around for a walk just as JDaniel had.
All he needed was a little help in seeing this ribbon roll like a dog.

This post is linked to Mrs. Matlock’s Alphabe Thursday. It is R week. 

Muffin Tin Monday- Valentine’s Day Party Treats

Before I share my Muffin Tin Monday Meal, I want to let you know I have a guest review up at The Book Chook today. I reviewed the book the Alaska’s Three Pigs. If you get a chance, please stop by and check it out.


To celebrate the second day of the Virtual Valentine’s Day Party I am sharing a muffin tin of yummy lunch treats.  We both enjoyed the foods in this tin.

This week JDaniel had a heart-shaped empanada ( I will share the recipe for them tomorrow.), homemade tomato soup, grape tomatoes, a heart-shaped crouton to dip in the soup, red grapes, and strawberry heart-shaped marshmallows.

Here is the recipe for the tomato soup:

Tomato Soup


3 large cans of stewed tomatoes

3 large garlic cloves

2 cups of chopped onion

1/4 cup of minced basil

1 can of chicken broth

1/2 cup of half and half cream

Salt and pepper to taste

2 slices of whole-grain bread



This post is linked to the Muffin Tin Mom’s Muffin Tin Monday meme.

What is your favorite Valentine’s Day treat? 

Do you have a post on Valentine’s Day treat you would like to link up to the Virtual Valentine’s Day Party?


Red Ted Art: Time on your hands?! Review



I really enjoy reading the Red Ted Art Blog every week and am super grateful that she often links to Read.Explore.Learn on this blog. The craft ideas she comes up with and the book tie-ins she frequently creates to crafts keep me hunting for great books and ways to share the ideas with JDaniel.

I was recently asked to review her new e-book Time on your hands?! 14 Fab ideas to keep you and your little ones busy throughout the whole year….. This book shows fun and creative ways to reuse cardboard tubes. She has selected crafts that would be perfect for key holidays and summer fun.

Each craft page has an overview of the holiday or season that craft was designed to celebrate along with fun tidbits about it. There is also material list, step by step directions on constructing the craft along with color photos that demonstrate how to construct it.

This book is filled with cute crafts. I love cute crafts that have an ahh factor. I don’t often come up with them on my own. This well-done book will leave you excited about crafting and comfortable about creating crafts. The step by step directions helped me to feel more confident that I could successfully complete them and the picture helped me make sure I was on the right track.

The fact that many of the materials used in the crafts are things that are recycled is another plus for me. I love being able to craft with things we already have at home. Being able to reuse in crafts is a great way for me to show JDaniel how to save things and use them again and again.

Here is a link to the e-book section of Red Ted’s Art Blog if you are interested in purchasing the book.