Sometimes it is hard getting back into Back to School Routine. Your family may have some bumpy mornings or times after school. Things that need to get done may get forgotten in the hustle and bustle of daily life. These chore charts for before and after school along with bedtime highlight tasks that when completed will help remove some of the bumps in your routine.
Why These Chores On The Chore Charts:
I tried to place some chores in the bedtime routine that will help the morning routine go so much smoother. You will notice that there are a few items on chore charts that are repeated at bedtime and in the morning. Making sure that children’s backpacks are ready for the school day seems really important so, I mentioned it more than once.
There are probably some chores that you would do in a different order than we do like homework. I like to get it over with as soon as we get home. As the evening goes on we seem to get more tired and grumpy while doing homework. We tried it a few times when we had to do something else right after school. I know as a teacher that kids need to play after school. When we get homework done, we all have more time to play. That is what works for us.
After homework and play, emptying out my son’s backpack so, I can look through notes and papers from school and my son can clean out his lunch box are most important. I truly don’t want fungus growing in his lunchbox.(We didn’t see any last year, but I dread the thought that we could.) You may like to wait until your children go to sleep to sit down and look through papers and notes.
I placed getting clothes out and ready at night. There are some of you who like to do it in the morning. I go to school before my son does and my husband drops him off at school so for us having the clothes out ahead a time has worked. If you like to do it in the morning, that is great!
Why Use Chore Charts?
Last year my mom spent seven weeks in the hospital, my son started full day school, and I went back to work as teacher. We had to set up a routine to get through each day and be ready for the next.
Having a chart that we could quickly refer to really helped us . Having a chart that shared with all the members of my family what we needed to do ensured that we got everything done. My husband could easily do everything I was doing when I had to rush to hospital or be at a school event.
This Year’s Chore Charts
I created the chore charts in this post after a year of trying various charts and routines. These chore charts follow an order that has worked for my family. If you would like a copy of them, you can click on the links below. The chore charts are free so, download and print out as many as you like.
Backpack Checklist Back to School-Chore Charts for Before and After School
Getting back into a Back to School Routine can be tricky and challenging. I hope there charts will help your year start out smoothly.