I think part of what he liked was that the ham and cheese were in muffin cups. For some reason the muffin cups make lunches appear fancy. (A number of the lunches I shared in the {Back to School} Lunches Without Sandwiches had them.) Ours were about $2.50 from World Market.
The crackers for the sandwiches are divided into two groups for no other reason than they seemed to look nice that way. The grapes were added to give the top compartment a side dish. I think they look pretty there.
JDaniel was given a cucumber by his speech teacher. The speech center set up a garden just outside their front door. He has loved having this special cucumber cut up and served with dip. He hasn’t been as into non-speech center cucumbers. Maybe we need to try to grow some Outside Our Front Door Cucumbers.
Cracker sandwiches as I mentioned were a hit with my son. We will have to them for lunch again.
If you like this cracker sandwich lunch, you will love these lunches too:
Apple Chicken Salad Bento Lunch
Minion Lunch with Blueberry Overalls