Spring is blooming all over our yard. The trees have flowers. The bushes have flowers. The grass has little blooms in it. The only thing that has bloomed is the flowers beneath the mailbox.
In honor of spring JDaniel had a muffin tin filled with flowers and a few worms. There was a cheese and turkey flower, flowers made of crackers, a flower made of pickles and carrots, a flower made of pineapple and dried cranberries. Flowers wouldn’t grow without worms to work the soil. JDanie had a pudding cup with dirt and worms.
Can you guess what he ate first? Yes, it was the worms. He wasn’t to sure about eating worms at first. Once he bit into the first one, he was all over the worms.
He liked this meal so much he requested it again the next day.
What could you eat over and over again for lunch?