The weather has finally started to turn chilly here in South Carolina. I will need to put away JDaniel’s shorts, t-shirts, and other summer clothes to consign this spring. I am going to follow a system my sisters Michelle and Kate started. The clothes are going to be boxed up and labeled with the size and season of the clothes. It would be so easy to just pack them in a box and sort through them in the winter. This system should save me a lot of time when winter comes.
Getting Ready for Fall
All this week I will be posting ways that I am getting ready for Fall. Please take a moment and tell me ways that you are getting ready. One way is trying to transition JDaniel clothes. I will be talking about that tomortow.
One way maybe to look for giveaways that feature items that will help you get ready for Fall. Here is one you might what to think about it’s called Fall Fling.
Monday’s Mommyhood Moment- Touch-A-Truck
We took JDaniel to a Touch-A-Truck event in Greenville on Saturday. It was cold and blustery. None of us was dressed in warm enough clothes. We went through and sat JDaniel on each truck, bus, and backhoe. He tried to steer each piece of equipment and loved each minute of it. I had packed a picnic lunch that we ended up eating in the car due to the weather. JDaniel inhaled everything. He was promised that when we finished we could revisit some of the equipment. As soon as we finished lunch, we added layers to his clothing with some things I had in the trunk of the car and headed back to the displays. I thought he would head to the fire truck, but he headed right to the city bus. It had a little computer next to the steering wheel that he clicked happily on. He could have spent the rest of the day on the bus.
It was great to see his eyes light up as he experienced each new piece of equipment. Actually it is great to see anything that lights up JDaniel’s eyes. Most of them are things I have seen for a thousand times. Now that I get to experience them with my son it makes them seem new for me too.
Target Gives Reusable Bag Credit
Target is becoming more eco-friendly by offering a $0.05 credit for every reusable tote bag that you use when you check out!
It does not have to be a Target bag it can be any bag that you want to use. They will scan a bright red sticker that has a UPC code on it beside or behind the register which will give you a $0.05 credit for each bag that you use. It’s not a lot but every penny counts and it’s a great way to give us an incentive to be more eco-friendly!
Thanks More than Cents!
P.S. Bi-Lo does this too.
P.P.S. I’ve started to leave some reusable bags in the trunk of the car for unplanned stops at grocery stores.
Mommyhood Tip- Newspaper Goes to the Dogs
I was just reading through e-mail and came across this great idea from Amy Loves It. It fits right in with the recycling theme I have been talking about this week.
Here is her tip: If you are not near a recycling center, see if your local animal shelter can use your old newspapers. Even if you have a recycling center near by, you may want to see if shelters can use the newspapers.
Mommyhood Tip- Practicing Spelling Words in the Tub
I just read this tip in Family Fun Magazine. You need to tape up your child’s spelling list on the outside of glass door of your tub or shower. Then let your child trace the letters in each word this bathtub crayons. I think it is a great way to review your spelling words.
Mommyhood Tip- Create Greeting Card Picture Walking Books
Here is how you put together your greeting card picture walking book:
1.You remove the front part of a bunch of greeting cards.
2.You take a hole punch and punch a hole in one corner of each card.
3.You put a metal ring through the holes.
How do you use them to picture walk?
-You can flip through the cards and talk about what it happening on each card.
-You can look for a particular color on each card.
-You can look for a particular element on a card.(trees,animals,candles,flowers)
Older Children
-You could use them to discuss the setting of each illustration.
-You could have a child select a card and use it as a story starter.
-You could have a child select a card and make up a word problem for that card.
Two Moja Creations Reusable Bags Giveaway
Moja Creations has donated two great reusable lunch bags to this giveaway. The only thing they asked was that I let you know they strongly support recycling, reusing, and reducing waste. If you don’t already have bags like these, you may find yourself going through boxes on sandwich bags. Yes, you can clean your zip lock bags and reuse them. Some of you may do that. Some of you may get your children to bring their bags home from school so you can clean them and used them again if they remember. With great bags like these your children won’t forget to bring them home. You will be able to reuse them over and over again. Think about all the waste you will be saving. I know there are have been several giveaways in the last few months for bags like these.What I love about these are their sturdy construction, cute designs and a great handle. The handle would be great for children to have around their wrist to carry their snack around or to hang from a stroller.
I do want to tell you a little about the ladies at Mojo before I tell you how you can win the bags.
This is what they wrote in their Etsy bio:
We are two life-long friends who have recently graduated from the University of Florida. Throughout our lives we have found ourselves wanting to create and sell many things: from lemonade stands as young kids to beaded keychains while saving up for a car! In the past year we have discovered sewing and love that the ideas are endless. So often we find ourselves saying “Hey, we could totally make that!” to one another!
We hope you enjoy our items- we love knowing that our eco-friendly and reusable items will help create a sustainable environment for the future!
This giveaway begins September 19th and ends September 30th at 11:59 p.m.
What do you need to do to get these wonderful bags?
-Tell me something about MojaCreations that I didn’t mention above. (1 entry)
For extra entries do any or all of the following leaving a separate comment for each entry.
*Tell me a way that you are trying to recycle, reuse, and reduce waste. (1 entry)
*Blog about this giveaway, and then come back and leave me the link to your blog entry. (1 entry)
*Leave a comment on one of my blog entries that is not a giveaway. Come back and tell me what entry you left your comment under. (1 entry)
*Enter another giveaway that I am hosting. (1 entry for each giveaway entered)
*Follow my blog. Leave me a comment saying that you now follow or that you already do. (2 entries)
*Write about this giveaway with a link back to this giveaway on Facebook or another social network. (2 entries)
* Subscribe to my blog. Leave me a comment saying that you have subscribed or that you already do. (2 entries)
*Twitter about this giveaway with a link back, you must also be following me on Twitter. Copy and paste: MojaCreations2ReusableBags@JDaniel4smom .(3 entries)
*Vote for me on Love This Site . (3 entries)
*Buy anything from their shop and come back and leave a comment. They have a special discount if you buy multiple bags. (6 entries)
4-5 bags —5% off
6-7 bags—10% off
8+ bags—15% off
That is 10 ways to win. The winner will be chosen by using the random number generator at )
Clue 9: be called
Friday Favorite- Curious George on PBS
It has become a bedtime ritual to watch the first story on Curious George before bedtime. We gather as a family on the couch to watch it. JDaniel places one hand in the sleeve of my shirt and snuggles down to watch the show. It is the first thing that he watched on T.V. that made him laugh. It is where we learned about shadows and then went outside the following morning to find them. We don’t watch a lot of T.V. with JDaniel, but we sure watch Curious George.
Mommyhood Moment- Monkey See, Monkey Do
On Saturday night JDaniel walked across the lawn with the measuring tape and headed to the shed. Once he got there he bent over and dragged the tape across the doorway. My husband noticed what he was doing and commented that he had just done the same thing that morning.
JDaniel is demonstrating to us in big and small ways that he watches our actions very closely. It is a reminder that I need to be on my toes. He will repeat the things I want him to do like measuring, raking the yard, putting toys away, and making the horse in his Fisher-Price barn gallop. He will also repeat things that I don’t want him to do to like throwing the toys into the toy bag at the end of the day and throwing junk mail in the trash. Throwing junk mail is fine. He just runs out of it quickly and tries to find other things to throw away.