The Little Red Hen is a wonderful to book to read to children. It explores the themes of cooperation, teamwork, perseverance, and hard work. Sequencing is also explored in this story. Beginning November 4th a series of five Little Red Hen learning activities and worksheets will be shared here on JDaniel4’s Mom will also explore sequencing.
A fellow blog called 3 Dinosaurs will also be taking part in this series November 4th- 8th Little Red Hen Learning Activities and Worksheets. Each of the sets will be linked below.
Below you will find some traditional and modern versions of the Little Red Hen. Reading one or all of them before starting any of the sets in this series will help your children build background and bring understanding to the activities characters.
This is the traditional version of the Little Red Hen.
Manana Iguana tells the tale of an iguana who needs help playing a fiesta. It will be fun to read how the party comes together.
The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza shows how friends may not help at the beginning, but can find ways to help at the end.
Little Red Hen Learning Activities and Worksheets
The Little Red Hen Cup Stacking set features 32 cup stacking challenges. The cards feature right side up little red hens for cups that need to be faced up. Red hens upside down represent cup that are upside down.
Little Red Hen Easy Reader Book with Tracing Printable is a simple easy-reader book that involves tracing words and reading a sentence about each word. All the words are themes from the Little Red Hen Story.
This Little Red Hen themed number counting set features events from the traditional version of the book. Children are invited to use arrows to connect the events in order. The set could also be used to introduce algorithms. After all an algorithm is a series of steps.
Little Ren Hen Shape Tracing Printable has 9 shapes for kids to trace. Kids can trace the shape and color of the wheat and little red hen.
When they complete these puzzles, children will explore number sequencing and skip counting. Each puzzle has B/W and color versions.
Children can use cubes or buttons to decorate the edges of each of the displayed shapes. This is a fun way to introduce your children to a variety of shapes.
The Little Red Hen Tens Frames Activity features themed tens frames and B/W and Color counting objects. Children can use the printable counting objects or any counting object you have on hand.
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