Kids will have fun exploring the world of shadows with this set of Space-themed shadow puppet templates. They can be used to explore shadows inside the house like the puppets in my Space Shadow Puppet post. They can be explored outside your house too.
Effects of Light on Shadow Puppets
Where the Shadow is Seen
When the sun is in front of you, the shadow forms behind you.
If the sun is to your left, then the shadow forms to your right.
If the sun is to your right, then the shadow forms to your left.
The Size of the Shadow
Here are some facts from Science Learn.
When the Sun is low on the horizon, the shadows are long.
The shadows are much shorter when the Sun is high in the sky.
Exploring Shadows with Puppets
You will want to explore both shadow size and placement with your children. We used the sun with driveway as the backdrop. You can do the same or work inside with a flashlight and a light colored surface.
Learning More About Shadows
Below you will find several books that talk about shadows.
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Getting the Shadow Puppet Templates
You will need to download the Space Shadow Puppet Templates to your computer. Then you will need to open the set with a PDF reader. Acrobat Reader is a popular PDF reader. You may already have it on your computer.
If you print the puppets out of cardstock, they will be a little bit sturdier.
Getting the Shadow Puppets Ready to Explore
If you are working with older children, they can probably cut out the puppets on their own. Young children will need to have the puppets cut out for them.
Once the puppets are cut out, they will need to be taped or glued to a straw or stick. If you use a bendy straw, you will have tons of ways for the puppet to be displayed.
Here are some more sun related activities to do with kids:
Shadow Games- Building Block Numbers