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Pause Life for a Moment-Adventures in Mommyland

I love to visit Adventure in Mommyland. It is filled with wonderful family oriented activities and insights. Charlene loves being a mom and you can read it in her words! What blessed children she has! As long time reader I have loved getting to see them grow and learn.Pause Life for a Moment

As a mother of six, I was very flattered that JDaniel4’s Mom asked me to post about pausing for family on Thanksgiving.  I love my family and I really enjoy spending time with them….my heart is at home with them and I love and appreciate each and every one of them.  Thank you JDaniel4’s Mom for thinking of me.  I wish everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

Every Thanksgiving as I sit at my kitchen table and look at those sitting around it with me…I can’t help but feel grateful for the joy and beauty of having such a large family.  Yes, it’s loud and there are fights over who gets a turkey leg and who gets to break the wishbone.  

But it’s also a time of appreciation.  A time to truly be thankful for the life that we live and the family we have to share it with.  I take the time and sit and stare at each one of their happy little faces and I’m glad God chose me to be their wife and mother.  

I sit and listen to them as we take turns saying what we are thankful for and I laugh when they say silly things…and I appreciate when they say simple things….how many things we take for granted that others don’t have…..

I think family dinners are something that people don’t appreciate in these days.  When I sit with my family and we are telling jokes and laughing and supporting each other – it makes me happy.  Why can’t more families sit and take time – to pause their busy lives and enjoy their families.  Truly listen to them.  So many families ‘eat and run’ or sit in front of the tv and don’t get the chance to appreciate the rare gift of family.  

Family is everything to me…my blog motto is “Family—Its not where you go or what you do, it’s who is beside you that counts.”  Now whether that person is a true family member or one that has just become like a family member….appreciate them.  Tell them how much you love them.  Because we truly don’t know how much time we have with each other and we should never take that time for granted.

Teach your children to appreciate and honor the adults in their life.  Take time for each other – who else in life is there to grow old with you, love you unconditionally and be there for you even when they are angry…but your family.  So, don’t just sit together at Thanksgiving dinner and acknowledge the gifts that God has blessed you with…Sit with each other every day or as often as possible.  Enjoy the time, the beauty and love that surrounds you (literally).  I promise the peace and love you will feel while eat, will feed you more than the food ever will.,  Take the time to look around that table and be grateful for the gifts that you are blessed with, not only on Thanksgiving day, but every day as well.

Please take a moment to visit her blog!

Pause Life for a Moment- Mama Wants This

Alison of Mama Wants This the amazing gift of looking for and sharing answers to motherhood questions we all want to know. She is the mom of a cute little boy and a will be a mom for the second time in the late Spring. I love to read the lessons she is learning and the joys she has in being a mom.

Mama Wants ThisPause Life for a Moment

Opening my eyes, I was momentarily blinded by the bright sunlight. I blinked, trying to remember what day it was and where I was. I looked at the clock – 8 0’clock.

I stretched as I remembered, Sunday, it is Sunday. It was a strange sensation, feeling the warming sun on my legs. I haven’t woken up after the sun rose in nearly two years.
I got up slowly and padded to the bathroom.
As the hot water streamed down my back, pounding lightly on my tired shoulders, I felt myself relax for the first time in weeks.
I allowed myself a few extra minutes in the shower and looked at my growing belly for what seemed like the first time.
“Sorry, baby, Mama hasn’t paid you to mind for a few weeks, ” I whispered to my growing second child.
I finally drag myself out of the comforting lull of the hot water, dried myself and pulled on my clothes.
I walked through the quiet of our new home, unused to the lack of the toddler running around, counting 1 to 10, and hanging onto my legs.
I said a quiet thank you to my wonderful in-laws for braving their first overnighter with their grandson, granting me this unusual leisurely Sunday morning.
I turned on the coffee machine, letting it warm up in readiness for my husband’s must-start-day-with-coffee first cuppa.
I got myself a glass of juice and settled down in front of my laptop.
Without guilt, I checked my email, chatted on Twitter with friends I missed, busied myself on Facebook and did a little writing.
As I went about my online life, my husband finally got up and I hear the sizzle of the pan, as butter heats up.
“French toast?” I called out.
“The BEST French toast,” he replied.
We ate slowly. We talked. We wondered how the toddler and his grandparents were and resisted calling to check on them. We washed up.
I retreated back to the living room and curled up in my corner of the sofa.
I soaked in the moment – the only sound in the room, the quiet whirring of the ceiling fan.
I reflected back on the past month, when life was a whirlwind of activity, as we finally received the keys to our new house. Things had to be purchased, the house had to be painted, lights and fixtures had to be sorted, packing had to be done, cleaning of both houses had to happen – and life went mad.
Life with a toddler is hectic.
Life with a toddler, and being pregnant, even more hectic.
Life with a toddler, pregnant AND moving house, just insane.
And so, curled up on that sofa, I closed my eyes to savor a few more minutes of just doing nothing, but listen to my breath and give in to my thoughts.
I opened my eyes, pushed myself off my little comfortable spot and went out the door to pick my son up.
And life resumed.
Sometimes in the whirlwind of life pausing for a moment can help you be ready to take on the flurry of commitments, activities and special people in our lives. Alison beautifully illustrates that in this post.

Please stop by Mama Wants This and let Alison know how much you enjoyed her post.




Pause Life for a Moment- A Wide Line

I love visit A Wide Line. Her blog is wonderful place. It is  beautiful to look at and wonderful to read. Her son Quinn is so cute! I love to read what he is learning and doing. His mom’s thoughts and ideas are inspiring.


Pause Life for a Moment

Filling Holes

I’m so honored to be here at JDaniel4’s Mom, one of my favorite blogs. Isn’t JDaniel4’s Mom just lovely? I love her series on pausing life for a moment, and I was thrilled when she asked me to participate.
Being fully present in the moment is a challenge for me. I’m the type of person who constantly charges full speed ahead toward the future – planning, preparing, paving my path. When I’m not paving, I’m usually wrapped up in knots worrying about the future – losing sleep, losing my hair and losing the days.
The concept of slowing down and savoring the moment never really occurred to me until I got pregnant for my son, Quinn. The pregnancy flew by, and for the first time in my life, I wanted nothing more than to slow time down so I could keep my baby close and safe just a little longer.
Quinn is now seven months old, and we’ve taken approximately 3,789 photos of him. A few weeks ago, I was looking through our photos, and I came across a picture.

According to the date on the photograph, Quinn was about four weeks old, and I have no recollection of the photo being taken. This realization felt like a punch in the stomach. How can I not remember this? How many other holes are there in my memory?
I began looking through all the photos more closely, and I came across several from Quinn’s early months that revealed more holes. While I remember the actual photographs being taken – the three of us together on Easter, Quinn and I on Mother’s Day, Quinn in his giraffe jammies – I can’t remember anything else about the events. I know we went to my Hub’s aunt and uncle’s house for Easter dinner, but I can’t recall anything specific about the day, other than our picture being taken. Aren’t photographs supposed bring back memories?
I spent the first months of Quinn’s life in a sleep deprived, post-partum depressed, “I-don’t-know-if-I-can-do-this” anxiety-filled haze. The fog has finally lifted, but the guilt for having been engulfed in it at all eats away at me. I look at my seven month old son, who is now more than twice the size of the wee baby in the photograph, and I want all that time back. Now his legs hang down far past my waist, and he has a hard time finding a cushy spot for his head on my shoulder. He rarely falls asleep on me anymore, and when he does, he twists and squirms, struggling to find a comfortable position. He’s no longer a little baby. He looks and act more and more like a little boy every day.
I do have many beautiful memories of Quinn as a tiny baby, but I know that some are forever lost in that fog. And that makes me sad. But I figure I have two options. I can feel bad for myself, wishing for the impossible – to get those moments back. Or I can make an effort to be more mindful in my parenting and be fully present in my moments with Quinn from now on so I don’t create new holes.
After I became a stay at home mom, I wrote a post that included a poem by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton entitled “Song for a Fifth Child.” My favorite line is the last one:
Oh, cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
But children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby. Babies don’t keep.
These words are server as a reminder for me to pause and enjoy this fleeting time with my baby. The world can keep spinning and life will keep moving, but in the center of all the whirling and chaos are small moments I can capture and just be still – just Quinn, my husband and me.
This past Saturday, on our last day of vacation in Hawaii, I was putting Quinn down for a nap, and he fell asleep on my shoulder for the first time in so long. My first instinct was to put him down. I had so much to do – I had to pack, wash a couple loads of laundry, take a shower…. But then I realized that’s part of why his first few months of life are a blur to me. So I quieted the urgent voice in my head and slowly sat back down on the bed. As I laid my head on the pillow to take a nap with my baby son, I thought, “This is exactly what I should be doing.” Two hours later we both woke up refreshed and happy, and that nap was the best part of our vacation. 

Please take a moment and visit A Wide Line.


Pause Life for a Moment- Bytes of Memory

I have been reading Bytes of Memory for a long time. She is a wonderful mom. The kind of mom that makes fall bucket lists, amazing crafts, and sets out a hot chocolate buffet while you sit around a fire pit. She makes me want to follow her lead and join her in fun!

Pause Life for a Moment
There are times in life when life gets paused for you. There are other times when you have to make pausing a conscious decision. For me, this includes making time for my husband. When I start thinking about planning a date, thoughts, such as “now is just not the right time” start flying around in my head, followed by thoughts of “when would be a better time to plan it.” Then I start thinking of excuses such as:

When life slows down… When we have some extra money… When someone offers to watch Sammy… When we have something fun planned… When there is a good movie coming out.. When we are not so tired…

These are the things that run through my head when I want to have a date with my husband, but it’s at this point that I need to remember to put life on pause for a moment and be intentional with my time with Tim. It’s easy for these excuses to cause me to put the idea out of my head completely, but it shouldn’t. Intentional one-on-one time with my husband is more important than any reason not to. There will always be something that seems more pressing or of having a greater priority. Even when dishes are stacked up from dinner or the laundry hamper is overflowing, you need to pause life and enjoy that time. You don’t have to do something amazing to make it an enjoyable time. You don’t even have to leave your house or pay a baby sitter.

Below I have listed a few things that Tim and I have done in the past to get some time together:

Trade babysitting with friends – We did this for a few years with another family where once a month we got to go out on a date and once a month we watched their children. This saves a lot of money on a baby sitter and helps you pause the other things going on and get out of the house for a date.

Eat dinner late – We will sometimes let Sammy eat dinner and get him down for bed. Then we make something different for the two of us and just relax while we eat our dinner.

Get up before the kids – Tim and I have gotten up before Sammy and made coffee to drink together on the back deck while the day is still calm. It doesn’t take long, maybe even as little as 15 minutes, to enjoy a cup of coffee together before the craziness of the morning starts.

Trade services for babysitting – Tim and I are both computer geeks, so we often repair computers for our friends and family and are glad to accept babysitting as ‘payment’.

Plan a game night – After the kids are in bed, get out the board games and start playing. Not into board games? Maybe play a video game, watch a movie, etc.

Your relationship with your husband is important, so remember to take time and plan special things to do with him. Be encouraged to take some time now and plan something special to do together. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money or be elaborate to make a huge impact. Now, go pause life and enjoy a special time with your husband.

Please pause for a moment and visit Bytes of Memory today.

How do you find together time?


Pause Life for a Moment- Kiddothings

I am so pleased to share Kiddothings with you today. She is a wonderful writer, a supportive blogging friend, and a wonderful mom.
 Yesterday she shared that family history is a wonderful post called Family Tree. It is a great example of why I love to read her work and why to follow her blog.
Pause Life for a Moment

My Pause Button

I am a SAHM to three – a 4-year-old boy, a 2-year-old girl, and an 8-month-old blog. I have to admit that I’ve been spending a considerable amount of time blogging ever since I started my blog in February. It was pretty tough in the first 3 months because I was at that stage where everything was new to me. I felt like a new mother – I slept late, I poured hours into writing posts, visiting blogs, commenting, and designing my blog. I nurtured my “new baby”. As a result, my attention was drawn away from my real kids. My daughter was watching way too much T.V because that was the only way I could get some time off to fiddle with my blog. My son was playing a lot on his own. I burnt the family dinner twice in 2 days. I certainly felt like a failure on the domestic front.
Then, I stumbled on Deirdre’s blog and her feature called Pause Life for a Moment. I developed a ‘pause button’ from reading the wonderful posts here that were reminders for me to pause life for my kids and family. I have had many pauses since then and these are instances where my ‘pause button’ was pushed when I happen to be blogging or preoccupied with something else…


When my son says to me…


“Mommy, can you play with me please?”


“Mommy, can you read me a book?”


“Mommy, can I tell you a story?”


When he tells me he misses his grandmother “veeeeery much”.


When I notice that he has been playing alone for a while.


When my daughter asks to watch Barney.


When she is being a rascal to her brother.


When she calls out to me “Mami come!”


When there’s a great opportunity for family bonding.


When the kids have been watching too much T.V.


I pause to give them the much-needed attention during these times because I am reminded that these moments will not last. The times when they want me. The times when I am needed as a playmate, a storyteller, a peacekeeper, a confidante, a listener. The times when I can truly be a MOTHER in every sense of the word. I know these times will pass too soon.


And I want NO REGRETS.
I don’t want to stop blogging either because it has given me an avenue to express my thoughts and feelings. It has allowed me to interact and learn from others I meet online who share the same experiences as a mother. It has given me a much-needed me-time.


And my ‘pause button’ helps me to achieve some BALANCE.

Please stop by Kiddothings and read more of her work.


Pause Life for a Moment- Galit Breen of These Little Waves

I love word weavers. I tend to gravitate to blogs where the writers love words and paint beautiful pictures with them. Galit Breen of These Little Waves is a writer that totally fits that description. The post she is sharing with us today will draw you in and make you want to relax, grab a cool or warm drink, and take in the wonders fall has brought to where you live.

After reading this wonderful piece, please explore her blog to take in more word tapestries.

Pause Life for a Moment


Crisp wind wisps my hair cools my cheeks.


I slide out of my flip flops and rest my feet on the porch railing. Feeling the sturdiness of our old home -worn wood, peeling paint, rough edges- against my skin, I don’t pull away.


I cross my feet in front of me and lean far back in my seat. The plastic gives way, wraps me up. I breathe in the night and lean even further in.


Bonfire remnants -delicious and smoky and crackling and lasting- trail towards me.


The first splashes of color- golden yellows and royal reds- catch my eye.


And I can’t help but think that the very best of Fall is right here within fingertip reach.


Glancing at Jason in the seat beside me, I take him in too. His long legs reach so very far on the railing. His jeaned legs rest loosely against my bare ones. Our toes melt in the space between.


We pass one (pumpkin) beer back and forth as we sit side by side, somehow small within this kind of quiet.


We listen for our three children, long ago read to and hugged and kissed and tucked into bed “just one more time.” But still, we listen for them, just in case.


Sparingly, he lilts about the stars, the leaves already starting to fall.


I am about to mention fundraisers and schedules and all that swirls in my mind, but I don’t.


My writing, his work, the dishes, the laundry, another Monday- all hang inside, whispering softly in the background, pulling us back.


Ignoring this noise, we continue to sit.


And in this rare quiet, we spot fireflies glowing their fleeting wonder. The magic is not lost on either one of us.


So pushing our to-do lists even further away, we sit, pass our drink, cross our toes, breathe our hearts, not daring to disturb this kind of moment.