Pause Life for a Moment- Quirky Momma
Recently I was blessed to get to talk to her on the phone. It was such fun to hear her children playing in the background and to chat about our blogs and families.
Quirky Momma’s take on the phrase Pause Life for a Moment is share with us a fun learning activity to do at the table with your children. She kept the ideas for this activity in a jar by the table.
As a mom of four kiddos, three of which are preschoolers, meal times at our house are chaotic, at best. While talking to the kids doesn’t make the rush to spoon-feed a hungry baby while filing kiddos cups any easier, it does engage my preschoolers so they aren’t fighting over who got which plate or who is kicking who under the table and it lets me intentionally use the time we are together as a family to learn more about my kids, their day, their likes and dislikes. Maybe these dinner time conversation starters will help give you enough time to have Daddy chat with the kiddos. Thanks to my facebook fans,I was able to come up with 99 different conversation starters including:
How many animal noises can you make?
Who can count the highest?
How many hugs do you need each day?
Along with many more questions to help you as a parent intentionally get-to-know your kids and help your kids not remember the pre-dinner time as chaos but instead treasure the joy of talking to you, their parents.
Do you have any tips or ideas of ways to engage your kids and limit the chaos in your lives? Leave a comment with your tip!
Pause Life for a Moment: Jumpin-Bean
I discovered Jumpin-Bean’s blog while visiting blogs that had Aloha Friday questions. I loved her layout and her question. I went back week after week not just to answer the questions, but to read about her cute little boy and her husband faraway serving our country.
I realized soon after that I had found a true blogging friend. We e-mail back and forth about our families and visit each other’s sites often. If she lived three hours closer, we would be hanging out and watching our children play many times a week. She is just that much fun.
Nope, just time to enjoy my life.
Let me give you a quick rundown on who I am…
I started blogging while my husband was deployed…
Just “something to do” that has turned into more than that!
I was a first time mom… Talk about scary!
Also dealing with the reality that my husband was deployed to Afghanistan.
(It just happened to be my first time going through a deployement as well.)
I was terrified that I would do something wrong.
I tried to savor any and every moment.
One, to be able to enjoy it to the fullest…
But, Also to tell my husband every single detail.
We had video of daddy reading books to show while he was gone.
We talked on the phone as much as possible.
Our middle names became SKYPE….
Meaning, we Skyped as much as we could.
Although the video was not perfect, we tried to make the most out of it.
I was determined that Broxton would know who his daddy was when he returned from duty.
Of course, his first word?
Was I upset?
Nope, I was happy…
If Marc could not be here for everything…
At least he had that.
Once Marc returned, Broxton immediately took to him…
As if he had not been gone for a single minute.
I loved it, but jokingly reminded them both I needed love too, as I was the one there the whole time! Maybe not the best of jokes.. but still…
While Marc was gone, my life was a whirlwind… 24/7
Luckily, he is home…
Safe and sound…
And although it is not all peace and quiet on the homefront…
It IS wonderful!
The way I pause my life for a moment these days?
I sneak and watch Marc and Broxton playing.
They make up for it, everyday…
Marc teaches him how to wrestle…
and how to count…
How to fly a kite and how to ride his tricycle.
Those are my moments that I pause for.
They get lost in each other…
and I get to enjoy that bond that we were both so terrified would be lost over the deployment!
I know that technically is not “pausing my life for a moment… “
But that is the best pause for me…
I get to see my husband being a wonderful daddy …
and I get to see my son basking in the love that only his daddy can give him.
I love it and I am so thankful that I get to steal the moments of sneaking a peak at that love.
How do YOU Pause your life?