When I turned in my resignation letter shortly before JDaniel was born (I was a teacher and we had to turn in our resignation letter in the winter if we aren’t going to be there the next fall in the county I worked in.), I knew I was leaving one career to start another.
My new career was getting to be a staying at home mom. I totally viewed it as a career change because it was.
I traded in teaching others children to get to be home to guide and teach my son.
It has been a demanding job at times. Raising a strong-willed boy and helping he learn really has been the most challenging career I have ever had.
My life has been filled with building forts, spotting him on the playground as he climbs, introducing him to ways to find answers to his multitude of questions, potty training and more.
I have been a nurse caring for his terrible reactions to pollen.
I have been an advocate for healthy eating by introducing him to a variety of healthy foods.
I have been a limit setter. Teaching how to treat others and care for yourself.
I have been a life skill instructor. Teaching my son how to clean up after himself, get dressed, and take care of our house.
The list could go on and on but, I don’t think you need to read all about what I do as a mom. You do the same things and maybe even more.
What got me all fired up about this?
Two weeks ago I took JDaniel in for a check on how the gash on his head is healing with his plastic surgeon. When I checked in I was given a list of data to check to see if it was still accurate.
I skimmed down the list. Everything looked right.
Then I really read each item. Right under my name there was an area for the employer and just to the right of the colon after the word employer was the word unemployed.
I wanted to cross out the word and put stay at home mom beside it but, I didn’t.
I did ask the receptionist if she thought to stay at home moms were unemployed. She totally agreed that they weren’t but, she did say that the hospital system the doctor’s office belongs to doesn’t have code for that.
Well, I think they should! I really think that stay at home mom should be a recognized profession.
When my husband got home, I told him all about the form.
I asked him if I was unemployed.
He is a really smart guy. His answer was “No way!”
He didn’t just say that to make me happy or appease me. He has spent a full day trying to balance playing, house care, potty training, food providing, and everything else that happens during the day. He knows that it is a full-time job.
This post is linked to Alphabe Thursday and Things I Can’t Say!’s Pour Your Heart Out.