I need to confess that this in not one of my best muffin tin meals. Things just didn’t come together the way I pictured them in my head. That happens sometimes.
An Earth made of blueberries and green grapes looked amazing in my head. My husband tried to guess what this creation was and couldn’t. Even after pointing out the Florida he was unsure. Telling him it was the Earth seemed to help, but it was still too abstract for him.
So what do you do when your Earth does work, you deconstruct it. The fruit salad Earth became fruit in a muffin tin. Some of the fruit was used to top blueberry yogurt which isn’t really blue by the way. Some went into its own cups and some was used to make blueberry jelly. (I am just kidding.) The jam came right from a jar and was spread on English muffin earthlings. I guess without eyes, a nose and a mouth the Earthlings may look a little abstract too.
I placed homemade granola in the cup between the Earthlings. It was placed there mostly because JDaniel helped me to make it. He is loves to snack on it or have it appear in a meal.
JDaniel didn’t seem to care about how the meal looked. He just dug right in and enjoyed it. Maybe on Earth Day Earthlings really want to eat their favorite foods. It doesn’t matter if they are in abstract or deconstructed forms. It seems to work that way at my house.