Drawing a Snowflake Based on a Algorithm worksheets ask children to add details to a simple lined snowflake. The pages start with having children add a few details displayed on the algorithm directions. Then children are asked to individualize their snowflake by adding their own shapes. Finally, the directions ask children to decorate the background.
While all of the snowflakes start out the same they will end of looking unique. Why? The first steps in the algorithm are specific and closed. After the specific directions end, the directions are open-ended. You may want to ask your children if open ended commands or steps would work on a computer. Many will say that they won’t. There many be a few that will feel that the computer will understand them. It will be fun to see that their reasons are for either answer.
Getting the Drawing a Snowflake with an Algorithm Worksheets
First, you will need to download the set.
Second, if you don’t have Acrobat Reader you will need to download it. The algorithm page is an Acrobat Reader PDF file.
Third, you must go to your download file and open the page. You may be asked if you want the file to open right after downloading it. You won’t have to hunt for it in your download file if you are.
Deciding Which Worksheet to Use
Once you have download the Drawing a Snowflake set, you will have to decide which worksheet to use. First, you have worksheet that features words and pictures. Giving your children this page will show them what they need to do for the first steps. It will ensure that each child has the the basic snowflake design down. The next page just displays the words. Children will have more freedom to interpret what the directions mean without pictures to guide them.
How to Explore the Worksheets
While many of you will decide to work on these as a group, the worksheets could be done in a center. However rather than just placing the worksheets in a center, the sample page would probably need to go with it. The sample page will help children visualize what their final page might look like.