Welcome to the Thanksgiving Traditions Link Up! I look forward to visiting your posts and taking in your Thanksgiving crafts, recipes, traditions, and memories.
Changing How You Look At Your Mother In-Law
- They won’t live forever so, try to make some pleasant memories with them
- Decide if battling over their serving your child two servings of ice cream is worth it.
- A thank you note for even something small may begin to melt the coolest heart.
- If their needs to be talk about an issue, have their child be the one to do the talking.
- Try to include her in a holiday even if you can’t go to her house by calling, sending a card or flowers, or making before or after holiday plans.
- If you are going to their house, ask ahead of time if there are things they would like for you to help with while you are there.
- If you are going to their house, let them know ahead of time of allergies or limitations your kids might have they may have forgotten. They are older and older people can forget things.
Remember these things one mom said:
Pause Life for a Moment-Adventures in Mommyland
I love to visit Adventure in Mommyland. It is filled with wonderful family oriented activities and insights. Charlene loves being a mom and you can read it in her words! What blessed children she has! As long time reader I have loved getting to see them grow and learn.
Every Thanksgiving as I sit at my kitchen table and look at those sitting around it with me…I can’t help but feel grateful for the joy and beauty of having such a large family. Yes, it’s loud and there are fights over who gets a turkey leg and who gets to break the wishbone.
But it’s also a time of appreciation. A time to truly be thankful for the life that we live and the family we have to share it with. I take the time and sit and stare at each one of their happy little faces and I’m glad God chose me to be their wife and mother.
I sit and listen to them as we take turns saying what we are thankful for and I laugh when they say silly things…and I appreciate when they say simple things….how many things we take for granted that others don’t have…..
I think family dinners are something that people don’t appreciate in these days. When I sit with my family and we are telling jokes and laughing and supporting each other – it makes me happy. Why can’t more families sit and take time – to pause their busy lives and enjoy their families. Truly listen to them. So many families ‘eat and run’ or sit in front of the tv and don’t get the chance to appreciate the rare gift of family.
Family is everything to me…my blog motto is “Family—Its not where you go or what you do, it’s who is beside you that counts.” Now whether that person is a true family member or one that has just become like a family member….appreciate them. Tell them how much you love them. Because we truly don’t know how much time we have with each other and we should never take that time for granted.
Teach your children to appreciate and honor the adults in their life. Take time for each other – who else in life is there to grow old with you, love you unconditionally and be there for you even when they are angry…but your family. So, don’t just sit together at Thanksgiving dinner and acknowledge the gifts that God has blessed you with…Sit with each other every day or as often as possible. Enjoy the time, the beauty and love that surrounds you (literally). I promise the peace and love you will feel while eat, will feed you more than the food ever will., Take the time to look around that table and be grateful for the gifts that you are blessed with, not only on Thanksgiving day, but every day as well.