During JDaniel’s swimming lessons he has to sit on the steps of the pool and wait for his turn. He fills the time not by watching the others swim, but by doing things like making hearts with his hands and looking my direction. It is the sweetest thing! I just love receiving his hand signs of love. For Mother’s Day I decided to capture his expression of love in a series of Mother’s Day pictures and use them on Mother’s Day gifts for his grandmothers. Oh and for me too!
The hardest part of the project was deciding whether to have the Mother’s Day pictures include just the hand heart sign or some of him it. I finally decided to focus on his hands. The second hardest part was deciding whether to use color picture or one that is black and white. I printed out on of each.
We took out paint and JDaniel painted several pieces of construction paper that would be made into the Mother’s Day gift cards. I went ahead and cut the sheets of construction paper in half so, we would get two cards per sheet.
I suggested the cards be covered with polka dots, but that they didn’t have to be. I thought that polka dots would make a great frame for the card. As you can see some of the cards ended up with different patterns or no pattern at all.
After letting the paint dry, we glued the picture of the heart hand sign Mother’s Day craft. We used a glue stick, but I think you could have used liquid glue or maybe tape instead.
Rather than have JDaniel write the name each cards recipient inside the card along with a message and his name he wrote it on the back. I confess that I had him write the message on handwriting paper first. By having him do that I hoped to eliminate the need to erase any misspelling from the card.
We will purchase something for each of JDaniel’s grandmothers to go along with the cards, but I think they may love these cards just as much or more. Capturing his six year old hand in a sign of love is something really special to give as a Mother’s Day gift or any time of year really.
I am so please with how these cards turned out!
Do you like to give homemade or store bought cards for Mother’s Day?